Monday, 14 May 2018
He went a little farther and fell on His face, and prayed, saying, “O My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from Me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as You will – Matthew 26:39.
We are in the world but are not of the world, God has delivered us from darkness and translated us into the kingdom of the Son of His love.This wonderful kingdom is governed by its own principles and statutes by which we must abide if we are to lead successful Christian lives. The Bible further tells us that as soldiers enlisted in God’s army we ought not to be entangled with civilian affairs but seek to please the One who enlisted us, and what pleases Him is faith. Steadfastness in faith is key in this kingdom. Spiritual principles will not yield for anything else other than faith. The currency of this kingdom is faith and without it there can be no movement.
Jesus is our greatest example. He forsook His godly faculties and was subjected to the same human capacity as we are when He lived among us. But He showed us how to live as the redeemed and to set our minds on things above as heirs to the heavenly throne being saved through Him. In His darkest hour He acknowledged that it is tough, He knew that the possibilities to bypass this segment of His earthly mission were endless, but He had to exalt the Weaver of destiny and His purpose, and esteem high above all else, the Father’s cause. God’s will is sovereign, and the Son in humble obedience set out to satisfy the Father’s holy plan. He walked unswervingly while loving deeply. Jesus bore a cross not His own because that was the assignment, that was the plan, that was the ask. He was not going to abandon His post for anything, He took on the role of the ultimate soldier as an example. You don’t abandon the post, you get the job done.
We are called unto finished works, we are instructed in discipline and trust. The testimonies of God’s power in our midst should compel us to fulfil our part. God’s faithfulness is sure, no matter the stump we find ourselves in God is faithful to get us out. But if we are faithful to obey His every ordinance we will see the greatness of His conquering power which is glorious and is to be desired than constant need for rescue. Let us be disciplined, watchful to do what He has commanded and stand unwavering on His promise. There is no reward for liberalism in this kingdom, only for obedience and faith.