Beware The Fiery Darts

Beware The Fiery Darts

Thursday, 31 May 2018

For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age – Ephesians 6:12.

When you become a friend of God, inevitably you become an enemy of the devil. He is a cunning little piece of work, pure evil, your demise is his most desire for you, because the end game is your suffering that’s why he would rather see you in hell than see you get saved. His cunning is so intricate that people wear devil costumes to revelries, call themselves devils and use devil emojis like it means nothing, well it means something and the mastermind behind the loose use of satanic reference is the devil himself. He has got people with a warped mind thinking that he is slicker than God, if you are godless you are the one he has outsmarted and he has got you giving yourself credit for it.

We do not wrestle against flesh and blood, so if the weapons of our warfare are only limited to the visible world, we are in trouble. The issue is not the modern day moral staple of casual sex, it’s not the drunken stupors, it’s not the rampant narcissism, or overarching love of money, no it is the blatant God-lessness of it all. It’s the rebellious “I will do as I please because I have a free will”, even though we don’t know what free will means. It’s the lack of study, no one is seeking God, people are seeking the hand of God that blesses and as a result get led down a dark path of religious destruction. You cannot know God from church attendance, nor can you discover Him from watching televangelists, you have to meet Him and shake hands. He has to tell you His Name and you have to see eye to eye discussing business, the business of His person and why He included you in His story. You have to exchange contacts with God and keep in touch. The end of that acquaintance should leave you in awe, enlightened and ready to engage.

Verse 16 of this scripture says, ‘ABOVE ALL, taking up the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one’. These fiery darts are potent, they are dangerous when you are not growing in the knowledge of Christ. Fiery darts have shot down many callings and ended lives. They cannot be seen with the natural eye neither can they be discerned with the carnal mind, but they are responsible for most of the chaos around us. Satan subtly defeats the mind, he causes man to think that receiving Christ is without consequence, like you receive Christ and continue as you had been living. Confused, defeated, dejected, anxious, scared, stagnant, sinful, excited in church and bewildered in private. Many Christians live like this, it’s normal to them. This is Christ’s best for them… beware the fiery darts!


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