Peter took Him aside [to speak to Him privately] and began to reprimand Him, saying, “May God forbid it! This will never happen to You” – Matthew 16:22 AMP.
Peter rebuked what God had allowed. He wanted to forbid what God had permitted. He received and interpreted a spiritual message with his mind and it didn’t make sense. When it didn’t make sense he rejected it. It was unthinkable to him that a good and loving God could allow such a thing to happen. He acted as someone who knew God’s thoughts and what He wanted. He was so outraged that he called Jesus aside and set him straight, he told Him never to say such things again, they were gross.
Has it occurred to you that all of us Christians grapple with Peter’s syndrome from time to time, if not always for others? Anything uncomfortable and undesirable we dismiss, it just cannot be God. Anything good and desirable we instantly ascribe it to Him. We find ourselves in the same trap as Peter. We forbid what God allows, and allow what He forbids. We also think that the good God of grace cannot allow something that will cause us discomfort of some sorts. Well, we’re wrong. We perceive and interpret spiritual things with our mind, and according to our sensual understanding dismiss and discard them.
The Scripture says the Lord endured the Cross for the joy that was set before Him. The good and loving God had permitted His Son to go through inconceivable pain, torment and torture. Through His manifold wisdom, the good and loving God had greater good to achieve. Similarly, we too must look beyond our current discomfort and painful circumstances to the joy set before us and greater good ahead. The gracious God through His infinitely great wisdom cannot allow us to be discomforted if the situation was not working and achieving for us greater joy and purpose.
We always want good times. Instant miracles and instant prayer answers. We want God’s instant intervention if something makes us unhappy. We want quick fulfilment of our expectations. We treat God as our paid piper. When we call the tune, He must pipe it. Things don’t always happen like this, because what we want, how and when we want it, is not always the will of God. However, we can rest assured that His will for us is always best. The way to your promised land is hardly ever via the expressway, and this is God’s will for you. He always has a greater good, joy and purpose for you.