See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! – 1 John 3:1.
We used to sing a song in Sunday School, “The love of Jesus is so wonderful, oh wonderful love, it’s so high you can’t get over it, it’s so low you can’t get under it, it’s so wide you can’t get around it, oh wonderful love.” It was such a delightful song, I never knew what it meant. As I am growing in the Lord I am beginning to hear the heart of this song. The love of the Lord is beyond comprehension. It is supernatural and consistent. It is pure and without ulterior motives. He tells us from the onset that He wants our lives in exchange for His. He asks of us to lay down the burden of a life we have established from human understanding and desire and take up His love which does not discriminate and is consistent, all-encompassing and faithful.
So great is the love of God that Jesus died for us before the foundation of the earth, while we were sinners sinning, His mercy was already available and He had already covered us. Consider how difficult this is for us mere humans, when someone offends us we aren’t necessarily quick to overlook, we have some requirements that we set in order to forgive, unless the Holy Spirit speaks to us, even we Christians take time to come around sincerely from the heart. The Lord’s love is the standard, it can warm the coldest heart and it is this kind of love that can win unbelievers to Christ, this is the love that should be preached. The Lord gave it freely for all of us and it remains unchanging for all times.