Just One Thing

Just One Thing

The last and final word is this: Fear God. Do what he tells you. – Ecclesiastes 12:13 MSG

There are certain things in this life that if I didn’t get to do them I would not have missed out on anything. There are many things that I have come to believe that they have been ochestrated from the pits of hell to be time wasters and distractions. They can come across as fun and give a certain rush, but when all is said and done you know that it has not improved your life in any significant way. I am not talking about a little bit of fun here, I am addressing preoccupation with things that have no eternal value. Some of us find ourselves wondering why we don’t have a hunger for the things of the kingdom while diligently feeding the monster who makes it difficult to seek God.

When you find yourself in that place of confusion, when you feel overwhelmed, when you don’t know what to do; what not to do. What to touch and what to leave, even when you are in Christ, serving, but feel empty, simply focus on one thing, God. Switch the engine off and talk to the Holy Spirit. Listen out for His sweet directive and don’t allow those all important cares of your life ruin this moment. What is the point of rushing on and losing everything in the end because God just wasn’t in it? Regroup with your Maker and find your place in His portrait. Everything else can wait, this is the one thing you should not falter on, reverence God and do as He says, stop the plane to make this happen.


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