And when he tests me, I will come out as pure as gold – Job 23:10 NLT.
There’s something extremely significant about the Lord’s testing. He tests to purify us, and to reveal hidden things and sin that tightly wraps itself around us secretly. The significance of this is that these are the things that weigh us down and prevent what God intends to do for us, in us and with us. He allows us to go through the fire of trials, troubles and challenges to expose the works of the devil in our lives so that He can destroy them. The same fire comes to improve our faith and to sharpen us in the Word. The Lord has His own ways to prepare us for blessings and a living fellowship with Him. God is always aware of what is happening with us and nothing takes Him by surprise, therefore there’s a reason for everything. However, we can rest assured that God’s testing will not leave us the same and empty-handed. He always leaves us better and with a blessing.