Blood Moon

Blood Moon

Focusing our eyes on Jesus – Hebrews 12:2 AMP.

On the night of Friday, 27 July 2018, the world was fixated on the phenomenal display taking place in the skies. The sun, Earth and moon were perfectly aligned, as was the sun, Earth and Mars. Sunlight filtered through the Earth’s atmosphere to the moon’s surface, producing the blood moon. But there was more. Mars is very bright and red throughout July and August, 2018. Red moon and red Mars. 27 July 2018 marked the longest total lunar eclipse of the 21st century, 1 hour, 42 minutes and 57 seconds. Almost 2 hours. Coincidences? Impossible.

Throughout the Scriptures we find the Lord using cosmic bodies as signs to convey messages or depict divine seasons. The magi from the East who bore gifts to our Lord had learned from reading the stars of the birth of baby Jesus. Coincidence? No. What about turning back the hands of time and stopping the Earth from turning for a whole day in the cases of King Hezekiah and Joshua, respectively?

God is still speaking – the sun, the Earth, the moon and Mars all in alignment for almost two hours and producing the blood moon of Prophet Joel. “I will show signs and wonders in the heavens,” Joel 2:30 Amp. What are we to do now? We must feverishly seek the Lord while He may be found, being cognizant that the days of ignorance are over and must focus our eyes on Jesus and look hawk-eyed for His coming. Maranatha!


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