One Word

One Word

Then Elisha said, “Hear the word of the Lord . Thus says the Lord : ‘Tomorrow about this time'” – II Kings 7:1.

One word from the Lord can turn your life on its head. All you need for your situation to change and to catch a whiff of that freedom you so dearly long for is one word. God is a communicator, He doesn’t mince His words. More often He speaks in just one-liners or one word. That’s why He’s given us the charismatic gifts of the word of knowledge and of wisdom. He’s really not a wordy God when it comes to one-on-one conversations. However, that one most needed word will revolutionize you eternally.

Elisha altered a very bad moment in human history where cannibalism had taken over due to famine by his ‘tomorrow about this time’ word. The life of the common Galilean men, who later became His disciples, change irrevocably by Jesus’ ‘follow me’ word. Moses’ life took on a whole new meaning, direction and dimension when the Lord called to him from the midst of the burning bush, “Moses, Moses!”

David never knew what was coming to him until the Lord confided in Samuel the prophet that He had found David, the son of Jesse, a man after His own heart. David’s life would never be the same again. Mary was an everyday girl until her ordinariness was abruptly interrupted by the angel’s word, “Hail, thou that art highly favored, the Lord is with thee.” The word of the Lord came to Joseph in a dream and made a man of a boy out of due time. This word took him through an odyssey of some sort and delivered him, a Jew, as a prince of Egypt. All you really need is one word from God and you’re set up for life. Don’t despise a prophetic word of the Lord.


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