Discouragement Is From The Devil

Discouragement Is From The Devil

But he who endures to the end shall be saved – Matthew 24:13.

This is an encouragement inspired by the word we received in Church yesterday. Do not give up, under any circumstances. Discouragement is the most powerful tool in the hands of satan against Christians. The thing that makes you feel like giving up is from satan, so don’t fall for it. Your struggles may have gone on for a very long time but don’t throw in the towel. Stand fast in the Word of God and on His promises. Nothing good can come from quitting, especially when you don’t know the number of days allotted to you from God. What will you be up to the rest of the time after quitting?

Satan uses the facts of life and our circumstances to get the better of us, but don’t fall for it. No one can do anything about the facts. The facts are real and they are there, but don’t focus on them. Facts don’t move God, faith does. Faith is contrary to facts. The thoughts and plans God has for us are not in the facts, they are in faith. You cannot live your life based on facts. Do not live your life based on facts. You cannot live by faith when focused on facts. Faith changes the facts.

Discouragement is a spirit. It is a weapon and a tool in satan’s hands. Do not entertain the spirit of discouragement. If you listen to the spirit of discouragement nothing will happen for you in the kingdom. The Spirit we have received is a spirit from God. It is the Spirit of life and peace. There is no failure in the Spirit and the spirit of a born again child of God doesn’t know failure. Luke 18:8 says: “…. Nevertheless, when the Son of Man comes, will He really find faith on the earth?”


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