Consider Others Better

Consider Others Better

Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself – Philippians 2:3

How often do we see this instruction played out in the Christian circles? Rarely! Every one wants to be the “one”, Christians want (cunningly) to be admired by others in the body, everyone wants to be somebody, revered on some level by others. Best dressed, prettiest, smartest, best leader, best singer, and ‘he knows the Bible better than all of us put together’! There is a low key vying for these titles in the body that causes strife and stumps our growth relationally.

The Bible says let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, it says take away the self. Then in lowliness of mind esteem others better than self. Lowliness of mind, not allowing satan’s ideas to run away with you. “Oh if you do this for him you will look like his subordinate.” “Oh if you let that go she will seem smarter than you.” Rather let servanthood start in the mind, don’t allow this game to play on mentally. Think, it doesnt’ matter how it comes across, whether someone else seems better than me or not, I care only to keep the Word and the Word says I should not withhold good to whom it is due.

Let’s be bretheren in the true sense of loving each other passionately. Careful not to argue about the scriptures just because we want to seem to know the Bible better. Let us be patient in dealing with one another’s faults and short comings. Always praying for each other and putting the next person first. Let somebody else get the best seat in the house, let them use the bathroom first before you, compliment someone on whatever good you see, let someone else have the last word!


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