All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples – Matthew 28:18.
I recently had a very disturbing conversation with a colleague of mine. She was just probing about Christianity and my personal walk with GOD, wanting to know how I am finding Christianity and how am still holding on at my age and with the way the world has become now. I was just sharing with her willingly on what really keeps me going and was then alarmed by the way her face was just blank. I just felt like asking her why her face was that way and why she looked shocked by the information I was just sharing with her.
The response she gave me is what really disturbed and saddened me. She said that she really had no idea what Christianity was all about and also had no idea of how much GOD can do for an individual. She further went on to say that she has had a lot of people coming to her to “evangelize” but instead of them telling her about Salvation and GOD, they rather had a lot to say about their churches and why she should consider coming to their church.
Our mission as believers, given by Jesus is to make people disciples. In simple terms, a disciple is a follower of Christ. The only way you can make someone a follower of Christ is by introducing them to Christ and no one else. Evangelizing is a commission by GOD, for GOD and through GOD. There is nothing wrong about inviting someone to your church but our evangelism should not be driven by a motive to increase our church membership, giving an impression that GOD is constrained within four walls.
I was so alarmed and saddened at the same time as I thought of how many people have been evangelized times without number but know nothing about Christ. I think that it is important for us as Christians to remind ourselves now and again that Christianity is about no one else but GOD, when we open our mouths to speak to non-believers, we must tell them about the gospel of Christ and anything else can build up from that. Let us never deny people the beauty of Christ and Christianity. It has never been about us from the start, so let’s not make it about us now. We are ambassadors for GOD, it is Him that we represent before anyone else, let us always be mindful of this.
I think that it is important for us as Christians to remind ourselves now and again that Christianity is about no one else but GOD