Don’t you believe that the Father is living in me and that I am living in the Father? Even my words are not my own but come from my Father, for he lives in me and performs his miracles of power through me – John 14:10 TPT.
I love this example of unity that we are given in the word of GOD, the unity between GOD the Father, GOD the Son and GOD the Holy Spirit. They all have different roles to play but they work together to do what needs to be done. In another part of Scripture where the people were building the Tower of Babel, they were united in purpose and were all speaking the same language. GOD Himself had to come down and stop them because had He not stopped them they would’ve succeeded in achieving what they’d set themselves out to do (Genesis 11:1-9).
GOD desires for us as believers to live in unity, to be one in purpose and to speak the same language because there is power and blessing in unity. The believers in acts were all in one accord and in one place when the blessing of the promised Holy Spirit came (Acts 2:1). I believe this is why the devil is so hell-bent on causing friction and disputes between believers in our local assemblies and in the body of Christ as a whole. He knows that when we are united, nothing can stop us from achieving what GOD has called us to achieve as the body of Christ, as local assemblies and as individual members of the Body.
Psalms 133:1-3 GNB reads, “How wonderful it is, how pleasant, for God’s people to live together in harmony! It is like the precious anointing oil running down from Aaron’s head and beard, down to the collar of his robes. It is like the dew on Mount Hermon, falling on the hills of Zion. That is where the LORD has promised his blessing — life that never ends.” Children of my Father, let’s wise up and let us not be ignorant of the devices of our enemy, let us see him for what he is and not give him room to divide us because if he can divide us we will never reach our full potential in our callings as individuals and as a Body.
GOD desires for us as believers to live in unity, to be one in purpose and to speak the same language because there is power and blessing in unity