Faith That Cures Menorrhagia

Faith That Cures Menorrhagia

“Who touched me?” Jesus asked. Everyone denied it, and Peter said, “Master, this whole crowd is pressing up against you.” But Jesus said, “Someone deliberately touched me, for I felt healing power go out from me” – Luke 8:45-46 NLT.

There are many people on earth who are Christians and who claim to be disciples of Christ. They wake up every Sunday to go to church and “worship” their Creator. Most of them even pay their tithes and offerings. Majority even serve in their churches and probably wake up very early to take up their cross. Majority say they want to know and encounter Jesus and live a life that honors him.

Thousands were gathered around Christ and were there to “encounter” Him. Many came to have a “personal” relationship with Him. Yet there was only one woman who was determined to touch Him, and to have a personal revelation of who Jesus is. With thousands gathered around Him, Christ only encountered the sick woman. Her faith and determination stopped Christ and made such a great impression on Him. Her faith interrupted Christ’s plans for a moment because she was the only one with a pure agenda.

“And so the Lord says, “These people say they are mine. They honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. And their worship of me is nothing but man-made rules learned by rote,”” Isaiah 29:13. This means not everyone who comes before GOD wants to encounter Him. Many want to just be amongst the multitudes, to be seen as though they are there for Him, to stand from a distance and allow others to enter the tent on their behalf. One reason for this is that many are not ready to surrender the world and die to self. They still want to satisfy the flesh and on Sunday seem to be pursuing things of the Spirit. Have you touched Christ? Has He felt your touch? You say you are His, does He call you His own? The answer is in the stretching of your hand.

Yet there was only one woman who was determined to touch Him, and to have a personal revelation of who Jesus is


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