Dependence On The Holy Spirit

Dependence On The Holy Spirit

Ref: John 5:30.

Our Lord Jesus openly declared His absolute dependence on the Holy Spirit. He was utterly obedient to the Father through the Holy Spirit. He was born of the Spirit (Luke 1:35), grew in the Spirit (Luke 2:40), anointed with the Spirit and power (Acts 10:38), led to the wilderness by the Spirit (Luke 4:1), used mightily by the Spirit (Luke 4:14), led to the Cross by the Spirit, raised again from the dead by the Spirit, went and preached to the spirits in prison by the Spirit (1 Peter 3:18-19), by the Spirit He offered Himself without spot to GOD (Hebrews 9:14), by the Spirit He gave instructions to His apostles before He was taken up (Acts 1:2). He was fully dependent on the Holy Spirit in every way.

Jesus left us an example to live of a life acceptable and pleasing to GOD. A life of surrender to and dependence on the Holy Spirit. We’re the temple of the Holy Ghost, we’re not our own, we were bought at a price, which was fully paid. Now we ought to live as Christ lived – surrendered, dependent and obedient insofar as the Holy Spirit is concerned. If Jesus, who was perfectly holy from beginning to end, couldn’t do anything of Himself but relied solely on God’s Spirit, how much more us? Shouldn’t we be even more reliant on Him?

Holy Spirit is worth trusting because He is GOD with us and GOD in us; He cannot lie because He is not man, nor the son of man to repent. Success or lack of it in our lives is directly proportional to our dependence on Him. He guides us into all truth and teaches us all things. He is all-knowing. He searches the deep things of GOD and reveals them to us. He knows all the things that GOD has freely given to us, because He is the Spirit of GOD. Through His magnanimity He helps us in our spiritual and moral weaknesses to pray to GOD, because we know not how to pray and what to pray for as we ought. Furthermore, He intercedes for us before GOD with groans that cannot be uttered.

He is so faithful, loving and kind towards us. He will never leave us; He’ll be with us forever. He is the Spirit of victory and freedom. Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit. We have overcome because greater is He (the Holy Spirit) who is in us than he (the devil) who is in the world. When the devil advances against us, the Holy Spirit puts him to flight in our defense. He guards us very jealously. As Christians we can scarcely survive a moment without His dependable protection. Our adversary, like a roaring lion, is prowling about seeking whom he may devour, but the Holy Spirit is the game changer for us.

If Jesus, who was perfectly holy from beginning to end, couldn’t do anything of Himself but relied solely on God’s Spirit, how much more us?


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