And one cried to another and said: Holy, holy, holy is the LORD of hosts; the whole earth is full of His glory! – Isaiah 6:3.
When I was at varsity and things got really tough the only thing that kept me going was the prize at the end. I used to spend countless nights imagining graduation day. I even knew what I was going to wear, even the song I’d be playing on my way to graduation (The Storm Is Over Now). It felt so real and attainable that the obstacles before me couldn’t deter me. I believe in our Christian walk when the going gets tough, we should also remind ourselves of the glory that will be revealed.
The above Scripture paints a picture of what to expect. To be in the presence of the Father and worshipping Him with no distractions. To be surrounded by the fullness of His glory with no other words to say except “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord Almighty”. Our Master looking at us and saying, “Well done good and faithful servants.” To be in the fullness of His glory and worshipping Him in all His splendor.
Stephen while being stoned to death looked up into the heavens and he saw GOD and Christ on His side. He got a glimpse of the glory and was immediately at peace. If he was at peace while in the flesh imagine what it’s going to be like when you are in His presence and you are surrounded by heavenly beings all worshipping in one accord (I’m even getting goose bumps just imagining it).
1 John 3:2 says that we shall be like Him when we see Him, because we will see Him just as He is. Meaning when we see Him in all His splendor and in the fullness of His glory we will be like Him. “Everyone who has this hope in him purifies himself, just as he is pure,” verse 3. Just close your eyes for a minute and allow your imagination to take you into His presence and see Him seated on His throne. “Well done good and faithful servant.”
In our Christian walk when the going gets tough, we should remind ourselves of the glory that will be revealed