Symbols Of The Holy Spirit

Symbols Of The Holy Spirit

Scripture depicts Holy Spirit in allegories that powerfully reveal His Person and work. Let’s take a look at these in the first of a two part message.


Water is an extremely vital component of life. Water is life. Up to 60% of the human adult body is water. About 71% of the Earth’s surface is covered by water. Water is always moving and changing form. Water exists in the air as water vapor, in the soil as moisture, etc. We pretty much can’t do anything nor survive without it. Like water, Holy Spirit is everywhere in the world just as the Scripture has said that the knowledge of the glory of the LORD shall fill the earth as the waters cover the sea. Holy Spirit is always moving and working, and is typified by different metaphors in Scripture. He gives us life, and washes, cleanses, sanctifies, regenerates and refreshes us.


Holy Spirit was poured out of Heaven like mighty rain on the sons and daughters of men at Pentecost. Rain gives us water, the earth drinks of the water that comes from it. Without rain life would cease, and death an inevitable outcome. Rain brings fruitfulness and necessary relief from drought, barrenness and emptiness. Rainwater carries very important components for life. Rain brings joy and happiness all round, relieves and refreshes like nothing on the earth. Likewise, Holy Spirit gives life, growth and vitality. The rain of the Spirit washes away and removes the dross of sin and spiritual apathy from us. It revives and fills us with zeal and power from the LORD to bring life, hope and liberty to the spiritually and morally dead, lost and hopeless. He is the Spirit of revival – refreshing the mind, reviving the soul and revitalizing lives. He is the rain of joy, exuberance, beauty, creativity, prosperity, abundance and life.


As oil the Holy Spirit soothes and smooths our inmost being. He brings alignment and coordination in our lives. He causes us to live a life of purpose for GOD. He fuels us with His power when we’re weak, drained, tired, hard-pressed and on the verge of giving up. He illuminates our soul, life and path. He makes us the light of the world and salt of the earth. He fires us up to live a worthy life for Christ and to carry out the work of the gospel effectively. He heals us spirit, soul and body. He preserves us in Christ. He’s the sustainer of the glorious life we have received from our Lord Jesus. Now thanks be to GOD who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and through us diffuses the fragrance of His knowledge in every place. For we are to GOD the fragrance of Christ among those who are being saved, the aroma of life leading to life. And who is suffiecient for these things? Holy Spirit is the oil of joy that the Father lovingly pours on us to cause our face to shine, to gladden and strengthen our heart.

Holy Spirit is everywhere in the world just as the Scripture has said that the knowledge of the glory of the LORD shall fill the earth as the waters cover the sea


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