Flesh: My Brother’s Killer

Flesh: My Brother’s Killer

Then he prayed, “LORD, please help him to see.” And the LORD let the servant see that the hill was covered with fiery horses and flaming chariots all around Elisha – 2 Kings 6:17 CEV.

As Christians we are spiritual beings in physical form. Though we exist in the flesh we are continuously striving to always operate in the spirit. We know that the flesh profits nothing and the Spirit gives life. The flesh always fights the spirit and their needs are always in conflict with one another. Which part dominates will be reflected in your fruits and actions.

When challenges and persecution arise we must always be in spirit and not operate in the flesh. When the servant perceived defeat he was in the flesh and that’s all he saw. Even though GOD had provided a solution he did not see it because he was operating in the flesh. The prophet being in the spirit knew GOD had already provided a solution. When soldiers came to arrest Christ while he was with his disciples, Peter retaliated and resorted to violence because at the time his flesh took over. He did not understand what GOD was doing at that specific moment. Christ was operating in Spirit and knew what needed to be done; hence He did not resist the arrest.

Most times we miss what GOD is doing because we look at our predicaments through the flesh and all we see is defeat and not what GOD is actually doing. We circumvent what He is achieving through the current predicament we are in. Galatians 5:17-21 speaks about the importance of always operating in the Spirit and how we should crucify the flesh. For GOD is Spirit and those that seek His mind should also be operating in the spirit. The Spirit searches all things, even the deep things of GOD (1 Corinthians 2:10). Therefore we will always know what He is doing in every situation/challenge/persecution we are facing.

Most times we miss what GOD is doing because we look at our predicaments through the flesh and all we see is defeat and not what GOD is actually doing


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