He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful – John 15:2 NIV.
This is one chapter in the book of John that always challenges my faith. Every time I read it I get a new revelation. As Christians sometimes we believe that GOD must transform us first before He uses us. He must first equip us then only can he use us. The above Scripture illustrates that we must first bear fruit and only then are we pruned to bear much fruit. We must already be fruitful before He can fine-tune the instrument.
This completely goes against what we thought is the right way of doing things. Christ tells us that all we must do is to remain in Him and He will do the rest. Our resting state in Him is movement in the spiritual realm. Our passive state in Him in an act of warfare to the dark kingdom.
Gideon when called by GOD felt that he wasn’t ready for the mandate. He probably felt he needed training to accomplish his task. Obviously GOD had other plans for him and used him just as he was. GOD can and will use you in your infancy state if your heart is open.
While you are still trying to digest spiritual milk He will throw you in the deep end, because it is not by might nor by power. “Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I. Send me!” Isiah 6:8 NIV. What GOD wants isn’t a trained soldier but an open vessel that is empty of itself, a vessel that is usable.
We must first bear fruit and only then are we pruned to bear much fruit. We must already be fruitful before He can fine-tune the instrument.