What Time Is It For The Church?

What Time Is It For The Church?

Ref 1 Chronicles 12:32

It’s imperative to know what time it is for the Body of Christ, the Church. The Church is a corporate body under one Head, Jesus Christ. It is Christ on earth, advancing and extending the dominion of heaven. Satan is actively at war with the inhabitants of earth, namely the Church. He was kicked out of heaven, and condemned to eternal punishment in hell. He’s very enraged with believers because they are the light of the world and the salt of the earth.

As long as there are Christ’s believers in the world, there is Church, and as long as there is Church in the world, there is Christ. Therefore, the devil cannot do as he pleases, he cannot effect and enforce his schemes to deceive every inhabitant of earth into eternal destruction. After all, he knows GOD will reform, restore and renew the earth for our eternal habitation – without the presence of evil or the evil one.

Now we are living in a time when a Coronavirus is decimating life and limb. Satan is a father of all evil and he is at it again persecuting the Church, in an ever-failing bid to destroy Christians from the earth, the Body of Christ. He’s mission and preoccupation is to annihilate the Church. The mayhem visited by COVID-19 on earth is aimed at the Church, no one and nothing else. The rest of humanity is collateral damage. In a failed bid to destroy Moses at birth, Pharaoh issued a decree that all male infants should be cast into the Nile when they were born. A great number of innocent babies died.

Upon learning from the Magi concerning the birth of a Child born king, Herod went on a killing spree of male infants in an ill-fated bid to destroy Jesus. When the devil had planned to erase the Hebrew nation from the brow of the earth with an impending seven years of famine, he instigated Jacob’s sons to murder their younger sibling, Joseph. Again an ill-fated bid at murder and extermination of Israel.

It’s noteworthy that GOD always defeats satan at his own game; He pips him to the post, as it were. Not only did the enemy rescue Moses: he fed, sheltered, raised and educated him as his own son and prince in his own palace. This is the same Moses who’d be his arch-nemesis and defeat him to free God’s people from rigorous treatment and slavery in Egypt. Let’s loop forward into time to present day unfolding events. It’s without wonder that GOD will always do what He always did and always does to protect and fight for His own. The Church will emerge stronger and larger after COVID-19, and humanity humbled to acknowledge their absolute need for a Savior and the vanity of material life.

The Church will emerge stronger and larger after COVID-19, and humanity humbled to acknowledge their absolute need for a Savior and the vanity of material life.


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