And the Lord said, “My Spirit shall not strive with man forever, for he is indeed flesh; yet his days shall be one hundred and twenty years.” – Genesis 6:3.
God by His Word has told us who we are, what we have been created to do, how we can go about doing this purpose, what we have at our disposal in order to fulfill the assignment, and how much time we have to do it! Everything we need for living a life that will please Him has been given us (2 Peter 1:3). He tells us His expectations, and hands us a failproof vantage by His Holy Spirit. We are on the clock everyday we wake up, yes there are obstacles on the course, but their true purpose is to refine us, not to stop us, and God has also warned us about perspective in His Word. More than that He already made plain every incline in the spirit (Romans 8:4).
Consider viewing each new day as a gift, an adventure, an opportunity to further seek out the mystery of your existance while enjoying the sites. Don’t get deterred on the course, this is not the final destination. The troubles you may encounter are friends not enemies (2 Corinthians 4:17). Don’t get caught up commiserating about the past, forget that, focus on the final destination Ecclesiastes 7:8). The promised reward is worth the fight to finish strong. Do not be deceived into day dreaming about distractions because those are innumerable and alluring. Don’t be gullible, know satan’s schemes and steer clear of his traps (2 Corinthians 2:11).
Even now during this time of lockdown and uncertainty, we are not stranded, because the One who has called us is not in disarray. Even under, and especially under these circumstances He is watching over His Word to fulfill it (Jeremiah 1:12). He is expecting us to be bold and courageous, He is looking that we should emerge strong and rise up above every circumstance and go for the prize, because we have His wonder working Word that is responsible for the entirety of creation, nothing shall be impossible for us!
The promised reward is worth the fight to finish strong!