A Pure Heart!

A Pure Heart!

Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me – Psalm 51:10 KJV.

When we look at the book of Samuel, God seeks to anoint a new king for Israel. He gives Samuel a clear instruction on how he is to identify the one worthy of being the king of Israel. What is important to note in this passage of Scripture is that God’s interest was not on someone with high intelligence level or various gifts. He was not looking for an astute speaker or individual of influence. He uncovered to Samuel where His actual interest was when He sent him to bless the future king of Israel. GOD clearly stated Don’t think about his appearance or stature. This is because GOD doesn’t take interest in the things individuals take interest in. Individuals take interest in outward appearance, whereas GOD takes interest in the heart (1 Samuel 16:7). 

The above passage of Scripture clearly shows how important the heart is to GOD. This is the reason why when Jesus enters the soul of man, the very first thing that He does is give him a heart transplant. The Lord gives us a new heart. He does this because the old heart, the heart of sin, is hard as a rock and cannot accept the things of GOD. A heart full of sin cannot obey GOD. It cannot long for the things of GOD. It cannot hear GOD when He speaks. It has no desire for the things GOD provides.  

The heart is what GOD sees behind the façade and outward behavior, and it is the heart that determines the extent to which He can work in and through you. He knew that the only person that could be usable to Him as the king of Israel was not one with high influence or the most good looking but rather one pure at heart. Unless our minds are renewed, we can never really walk with GOD. It is through a renewed mind and pure heart that GOD can fully operate. So it should be our daily prayer as children of GOD that our hearts are pure every single day.

The heart is what GOD sees behind the façade and outward behavior


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