“For he was looking forward to the city with foundations, whose architect and builder is God.” – Hebrews 11:10 NIV
The Bible teaches that without faith it is impossible to please GOD (Hebrews 11:6). That is a big statement that does not compromise itself or its meaning. You can not circumvent the truth to suit your shortcomings or lack of faith. It is clear that only faith is a requirement in every interaction you have with GOD. Meaning, that when I pray, some measure of faith has to be at play. It is the same as when I’m believing in GOD for something, faith is still a catalyst. When the Son of man comes will He find faith (Luke 18:8)? This meaning that when He comes He isn’t interested in anything but faith. It also means when He comes He might not find it and according to the word He wouldn’t be pleased.
Abraham was an unorthodox man in that he trusted GOD and took Him at His word even though it wasn’t popular. GOD promised him a city and this man believed, under the scorching desert sun he still believed, in the midst of sand storms and heat stroke he believed, amongst scorpions and snakes he still believed. What sustained him besides believing is that he also imagined and “felt” it. He could visualize the bricks and foundations and could literally taste the building. He probably had visual hallucinations of the city GOD has promised him. What I love about the above scripture is that he believed in something that only GOD could provide. Sometimes we can believe in things that man can provide for us as a Plan B. You trusting in GOD for your kids school fees yet your baby daddy is a back up plan just in case. Trusting in GOD but having alternative sources of provision or income.
To completely trust GOD for something no one else can do for you requires a whole new level of faith. When GOD says you are going to be a mother of twins while you are baren (and single) and forty years old and your gyane tells you it is impossible, requires a new level type of faith. Preparing your nursery and opening education policies and searching for a suitable nursery school is an Abraham /Sarah type of faith. Visualizing their faces and room set up that requires faith. It is this unorthodox, “crazy” and stubborn kind of faith that pleases GOD, not the Plan B or Just in case type of faith. Visualizing the promises while still in the trenches type of faith, the faith in the absence of tangible things. That type of “I will make a new thing” type of faith, the faith that does not have a blueprint. The faith that when GOD tells you that many will flock from different continents to come to your ministry when you don’t even have a worship team type of faith. You will be a Prophet of nations when you don’t even have a single member type of faith. That faith that requires you to focus on things unseen. The trailblazer kind of faith. It all starts with believing GOD and taking him at his word.
It is this unorthodox, “crazy” and stubborn kind of faith that pleases GOD, not the Plan B or Just in case type of faith. Visualizing the promises while still in the trenches type of faith…