Thursday, 06 August 2020
“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.” – John 13: 34 NIV
I cannot help but look beyond the fact that Christ not only died for our sins, but He also endured everything on earth that we would’ve had to endure so that we could never say that He doesn’t understand our problems. When we look at the commands, the instructions and the principles that Christ left us with, they are the things that He Himself had to do and manifest while on earth. He modeled to us what He expected from us so that we would know that all these things are doable and possible. In the book of John, GOD gives a command for us to love one another as He has loved us. He loved first to show us that it is possible, then He gave us a command to also love others. But can anyone really love like Jesus? After all, He did raise the bar of love to extraordinary heights. Love your enemies? Walk the extra mile? Turn the other cheek? Pursue someone to the point of death? Seriously? This is really love beyond reason. Is it possible for man to love in such a manner? Ofcourse it is, if you truly are a child of God that has Christ (who is love) living in you, your love knows no boundaries.
Loving one another the Jesus way is more than “mushy gushy love talk” and a quick hug. It’s the real, lay down your life, pull together and help someone where they need you. You set aside your own agenda in order to help, reach out to, and love others. Christ knew Judas was going to betray Him, He knew Peter was going deny Him but He loved them regardless. It is sad to see that as Christians we have reduced love to nothing. We love those who love us, those we can gain something from, those whom in our eyes seem “good/perfect”, the ones who seem to be making it in life. We do not love sinners, those we do not fellowship with, we do not bother about the ones whom we gain nothing from. Our standard of love is a pure disgrace to GOD. It is in love that God’s plan is fulfilled, not our type of love but God’s type. It’s not enough that we talk about love, we ought to manifest it as well, that’s the only way Christ will be glorified.
If you truly are a child of God that has Christ (who is love) living in you, your love knows no boundaries.