(Compiled by Pastor Vuyani Dombo)
After we become saved, we go through a string of processes to find ourselves walking in Christ, like how Queen Esther went through processes in preparation to become queen. However, after going through the processes and now find ourselves in the Kingdom, like Queen Esther was reminded by Mordecai, today the LORD is reminding women not to forget their people, which is the rest of the world, those who have not received salvation (Esther 4:14). You have been called to bring nations into sonship, & GOD wants to use YOU!
At the wedding in Cana (John 2:1-5), Mary, being a woman, knew that there was a problem when the wine ran out. Having given birth to the King, Mary knew that Jesus was the only solution, and she pointed others to Him to do whatever He says. This was Mary’s faith in action which propelled Jesus to perform His first miracle even though His time had not come. Our faith in Christ is a solution to every single problem in our lives and in the lives of others. The Holy Spirit is calling out to you to use your faith to pull those who are in the dark out of the darkness. Regardless of what is happening in the world, Jesus Christ is the answer and He is the only solution we can give to the world. There can be a 10-step solution to anything, but GOD is the only solution we need to take.
When Martha welcomed Jesus into her home (Luke 10:38-42), she was so busy and distracted, seemingly doing all the right things in serving, but Jesus rather pointed to Mary as the one at an advantage, having chosen to seat herself at the feet of Jesus. How many things in our lives have become a distraction to us, keeping us away from GOD? In times when there is so much that is piled on us, the only place where you will find peace, strength and encouragement is at the feet of Christ. We need to stop and see how far we have moved away from Christ, for an hour with Jesus daily is more precious than a year in the company of the most successful person in this world. What Martha failed to understand was that what Mary was receiving in the presence of Christ is priceless. Women, being called to bring nations to GOD, will have nothing to give the world if it is not received from Christ. Understand the time, for the time for GOD has come, so be found at His feet.
When a man speaks, his family follows, and the devil has removed men from GOD intending to break the church of Jesus Christ. It is the duty of women to bring men back to church, and to speak life into the lives of men. Women need to use the authority and power given to them to pray that the structure may be re-established. After He had resurrected, it is to a woman (Mary Magdalene) that Jesus appeared, telling her to go to men and give them life (John 20:15-18). When Jesus rose from the dead, He raised women with Him and commissioned them to go and bring nations back to Him.
Woman, you have been called by Jesus Christ Himself! GOD appoints and anoints as He wills, and He understands the role and the purpose He has given women to fulfil in this world. Woman, GOD has called, anointed, and appointed you, so give your all to Christ. Do not shrink yourself to accommodate those around you, lest you grieve the Holy Spirit. Those around you will not shine brighter because you are dimming your light, so by shrinking yourself you are not doing anybody a favor. You will be called to account to GOD for what you did with the calling and the purpose He gave you. In every area of your life allow Jesus to take you as far and as high as He wills. It is high time that women understood the power and authority GOD has given them. Right now, the world needs women who are authoritative, who are submitted to Christ and unapologetic about their walk in Christ. It is not a competition, but we are all part of the glorious body of Christ.
Women, being called to bring nations to GOD, will have nothing to give the world if it is not received from Christ.