Sunday Message Summary, 30 August 2020
(Compiled by Pastor Vuyani Dombo)
The armor of GOD represents virtues/graces that each believer should exemplify in life, in behaviour, and in action. These virtues are who we are and what we do. The whole armor of GOD is a victorious Christian life, which is a life that is pleasing unto the LORD. On the side of the devil, the whole armor of GOD is victory for us, while on the side of GOD, it is a lifestyle that is pleasing unto GOD. These are virtues that we do not only need when the devil is attacking us but should be a lifestyle of a believer. A life of victory for a Christian is not just on the day of evil when the devil is attacking you, but victory for a child of GOD is always (2 Corinthians 2:14). We are engaged in a warfare against spiritual entities that are invisible to the naked eye, therefore we must take up the full armour of GOD, that we may be able to withstand, resist and fight in the day of evil (Ephesians 6:10-17). The whole armor of GOD represents the following:
Truth – Truth is not only head knowledge or something that we have, but truth is something we live, do and practice. Truth is a lifestyle for a believer. The truth that defeats Satan is the truth that we live, do, and practice (our lifestyle). Truth has to do with personal and moral integrity, not living in falsehood and not living a double life, being the same person in public as the one in private.
Righteousness/Holiness – Righteousness/holiness is a state of being right with GOD. When we are right with GOD, then our lives follow from that, flowing from who we are (1 John 3:7). Those who are righteous will naturally live a life that is righteous. It is not just who you are or what you have, but your life will flow from that. We cannot please GOD by being righteous only and not living righteously. We please GOD when we live out what GOD has put in us, what GOD has given us, and what GOD has made us. One who is born again should live as one who is born again. We should live out our salvation in reverential fear of GOD (Philippians 2:12-13). GOD has already put it in us, and now it is up to us to live it out. When we live a life that is worthy of the LORD (Colossians 1:9-10), which is in conformity with the Word of GOD, then are we living a life that is pleasing to GOD. The Kingdom of GOD into which we have been called is not in lip service, but we have to live it.
Faith – We are born again by faith; we continue by faith, and we finish by faith. To live a life that is victorious and that is pleasing to GOD, you begin by faith, you continue by faith and you end by faith (Romans 1:17). Satan is after our faith, and we are in warfare in the first place for our faith. Without faith, the devil wins, but with faith, by faith and through faith we are victorious always. The church needs to stand together in one spirit, in one mind, collectively contending for the faith of the Gospel (Philippians 1:27). Without faith, there is no church in the world, and the devil would really ravish this world without the church. Christians should stop bickering and fighting against each other because we are most powerful and impenetrable when we are standing together in one mind and one spirit, striving together for the unity of the faith of the Gospel. The one who is victorious and overcomes the world is one who continues to live by faith and does not conform to the way of life of this world (1 John 5:4). A child of GOD is victorious and overcomes the sinful pleasures that are found in the world. This is the lifestyle of a believer.
The Gospel of peace/reconciliation – GOD, through our yielded lives, spreads the Gospel of peace/reconciliation, reconciling man back to Himself (2 Corinthians 2:14). Everywhere we go, whatever we do, wherever we are, this is the lifestyle of a believer, which is taking territory and defeating the devil. To spread the Gospel is the lifestyle of a victorious believer who is pleasing unto the LORD. We should be ready at all times, whether convenient or inconvenient, whether favourable or unfavourable, to share with others our hope in Christ Jesus and our salvation. If anyone asks us as believers about our salvation, we should explain to them in gentleness, humility, respect and in reverence before GOD. Witnessing for a child of GOD is a lifestyle that overcomes the world.
The Word of God – We should not only hear the Word of GOD but incorporate the Word of GOD into our everyday life. Satan attacks believers who are hearing and doing the Word, living their Christianity with knowledge and understanding. However, when we are standing on the Word of GOD and living the Word of GOD, it is impossible for us to fall or backslide. Many Christians backslide because they are not hearers and doers of the Word of GOD, but hearers only, and they cannot withstand the fiery arrows that the devil throws at them. Every believer who hears the Word of GOD, but does not put it into practice, will be resoundingly defeated by the devil. Upon the rock of the revelation of the Word of GOD, GOD builds His church and the gates of Hades, the powers of Hell, shall not prevail against it. The church of Jesus Christ is built on the Rhema Word of GOD, that Word that proceeds from the mouth of GOD, the fresh Word of GOD for a particular situation right at that time.
Satan is following hard after the Word of GOD that we hear (Luke 8:11-15). When we hear the Word, but do not meditate to understand the Word, we only stand for a short while, and many believers are impatient because they lack understanding of the Word of GOD. However, those who hear the Word of GOD, take it seriously, meditate on it, and practice it, are hearers and doers of the Word of GOD, and they produce a harvest through patience. Those who live a lifestyle of faith and patience receive GOD’s blessings. If we listen to the Word of GOD without the intention of putting it into practice, allowing the Word of GOD to transform us, we are deceiving ourselves. On the contrary, whoever listens to the Word of GOD and takes it seriously, and continues in the Word of GOD by faith, doing the Word of GOD, that believer shall be blessed (James 1:22-25). Everything we require is in the Word of GOD, but unless the Word of GOD is put into action, it will not benefit us. The nub of Christianity is hearing and doing the Word of GOD.
When we are standing on the Word of GOD AND living the Word of GOD, it is impossible for us to fall or backslide.