And the Angel of the LORD appeared to him, and said to him, “The LORD is with you, you mighty man of valor! – Judges 6:12 NKJV
Most of us before salvation were broken and had a low self-esteem. We couldn’t believe that a GOD who created heaven and earth wanted a relationship with us. Some of us even thought that there was a catch and one of these days the real reason behind the salvation will be revealed. To this day there are Christians who still believe they can’t be used by GOD to impact nations. We sometimes attribute our level of righteousness to how often we spend time in prayer and fasting. We sometimes feel like we must earn our righteousness. If you have been fasting for a whole week you feel like you are pure and GOD can easily use you. The minute you fall, you have to start afresh and fast some more.
The enemy has convinced us that we have to earn our “righteousness”, that GOD can’t use us when we feel unclean. I’ve just recently realized that when we feel like we are not usable in the state we are in, that it’s actually pride, we are dictating to GOD when and how He can use us. In the above Scripture, Gideon suffered from the same problem. He was looking at himself through his own eyes, and not through GOD’s eyes. In verse 14a the angel commands him to go in the strength that he already has (meaning we already have the strength to fulfill GOD’s mandate: Ephesians 1:3).
Satan’s plan is to convince you that your strength is proportional to how “clean” you feel and that in your fallen state you are not usable and worthy. Satan is correct in telling you that in your current state you are weak (always tells half-truth). Yet God’s word teaches us that in our weak state we are actually very strong in the spirit. Though we are weak in the flesh our spirit man is on steroids. This is the truth that only the spirit can reveal to you. It’s not something a sermon can teach you, only the Holy Spirit can (2 Corinthians 3: 17).
It’s the truth that gives you liberty/freedom. This is the biggest deception of the enemy and it’s this truth that he tries to hide from us. The truth is we have a treasure in us that empowers us to achieve all the plans GOD has for us. Even if we are weak in the flesh, the Holy Spirit in us is powerful beyond measure. He does not require our physical strength or our fasted state to achieve His mandate. You shall know the truth and it will set you free. Fasting, memorizing Scripture, and attending every church service does not give you liberty, but the revelation of this Scripture does (John 8: 32). With this knowledge then, Galatians 5:1 should be my go-to Scripture to make sure I enjoy and practice the liberty that I have received (don’t get it twisted the foe will always come to challenge this liberty, ALWAYS).
It’s the truth that gives you liberty/freedom