Thursday, 12 November 2020
“Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.” – Jeremiah 33:3
Looking at the life and ministry of Jesus Christ here on earth, it is quite evident that prayer was very important to Him. Prayer was to Him a lifeline and a connection to His Father in Heaven above. It equipped Him for the battles He faced and kept alive the intimate relationship with His Father that sustained Him throughout His ministry on earth. It is also through prayer that GOD’s desires and direction were revealed to Him. He would often seclude Himself from people to go pray and His time in prayer helped align His will with that of the Father. Prayer, to Jesus, was more than just Him rendering supplications to GOD but rather more of a communion with Him. If prayer and communion were that important to Jesus and the disciples of the early church, maybe we should consider it important to us as well. We should not just consider prayer to be just as important but we should seek to do it just the way Christ did it. There should be nothing more important in the life of a Christian than prayer. It is through prayer that we get to talk to GOD, understand Him, and build a relationship with Him.
Prayer is very important for every believer, it’s not just the words that we speak during prayer that matter, but also the opportunity it provides for the Spirit of God to minister to us as we minister to Him. Prayer also involves not just babbling endlessly but also meditation, and at such times of prayer and meditation, the Holy Spirit opens our eyes to see things we wouldn’t see otherwise. When we consciously separate ourselves from everyone and everything else to commune with Him, He opens our eyes to spiritual realities and unveils His thoughts to our spirits. This is what prayer is all about, it’s evident in the life of Christ. It is not just about us rendering endless requests and complaints to GOD but rather a time where we interact with Him and get His mind concerning our lives. There is nothing wrong with making our requests known to GOD through prayer but I believe that He wants us to move beyond that. He wants prayer to be a time of communion, where we do not just speak to Him but also give Him a chance to speak to us. He is seeking a relationship with us above everything else. The blessings, miracles, and wonders that we are seeking from GOD can easily come when we have a relationship/fellowship/communion with Him.
It is through prayer that we get to talk to GOD, understand Him, and build a relationship with Him.