Friday, 20 November 2020
“The seventh time around, when the priests sounded the trumpet blast, Joshua commanded the army, “Shout! For the LORD has given you the city!” – Joshua 6:16 NIV
We all know the story about the fall of the famous wall of Jericho. The inhabitants of the country knew that no nation could harm them because of the wall. It was strategically built to withstand anything thrown at it. For as long as it was standing they felt safe and secure from their enemies. Though the LORD had given the city to the Israelites, they were still expected to do their part to overcome the obstacle. This required more than one person to accomplish the objective (corporate gathering). The second most important requirement was the ark (presence of the Lord) to be present and every time they engaged the obstacle the ark was taken along. The other condition to be met was persistent, repetitive, and engagement by the Israelites (they needed to go around the city several times). This is where persistent and repetitive prayer comes in.
When they had met all of the requirements/conditions they now had to do one last thing, thee most crucial of them all, to shout. They had to thank the LORD for their inevitable victory (Philippians 4:6), they gave a shout of thanksgiving. After their victory, they then devoted the city to the LORD, the same way Hannah devoted her son to the LORD. This is of utmost importance as the Bible teaches that every good and perfect gift is from the LORD (James 1:17), so all we have, we have received from Him. Furthermore, when we commit it to Him it’s our act of worship. This shows that the blessing does not rule us, cannot, and will not take our focus off the LORD (the blessing must not be an idol).
Like the wall of Jericho, some of our situations look daunting and indestructible when we face them alone. Sometimes these situations require a special kind of anointing that is availed when we are gathered as saints. They may just require like-minded individuals with one accord to stand together and give a great shout of praise. This is why the Bible encourages the gathering of the saints (Hebrews 10:25) because our unity guarantees our victory. This is why our foe allows offense to creep into our churches so that the people might be scattered. Like a lion pursuing a lone gazelle, satan stalks lone Christians. Some of our delayed breakthroughs may just be a corporate prayer away, the only catch is that we have to be together in one accord and be united (putting all falsehood aside). As iron sharpens…..
Sometimes our situations require a special kind of anointing that is availed when we are gathered as saints