Seeking GOD for GOD

Seeking GOD for GOD

Monday, 23 November 2020

“One thing I have desired of the Lord, that will I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the Lord, and to inquire in His temple” – Psalm 27:4

Even during the teaching yesterday I had to do a quick mental check of the kinds of things I was going into my closet to say before the LORD just in this past week. When it comes down to it, this was a love teaching. It was a relationship teaching, and I paralleled it with human relationships because they hinge on similar things. Human relationships get destroyed when we no longer appreciate one another when we don’t take care to love on each other when we don’t take care to say the things we know the other person wants to hear, but every time we interact it’s mainly about issues, the bills, house-upkeep, the kids, money, these things wear out even true and sincere love between two people, and eventually, these people can’t stand each other anymore because they abandoned their vows to intently nurture their love. When we go into the closet to bring a sacrifice of our issues, talk about the bills, the situation at home, the kids, and money only, all the time, we defile that relationship.

This psalm (Psalm 27:4) challenged me the most, David says if it came down to one thing, this is the one thing I would choose, to dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life. I am practically sobbing right now. This is an elevated way of living and outlook, it is selfless, it is single-minded, it is all about the next person (Galatians 5:14), it is a focus on love. And the LORD has commanded us to love Him with everything (Matthew 22:37-38), He wants it all, and the secret to relationship success with GOD is to surrender all, to the point of death! To die to self and take up the life of Christ that was given for us at a great cost. Prayer is our entire relationship with GOD, the character of our prayer life is descriptive of our relationship with GOD! Ask yourself this one question after reading this and as you go into your prayer closet next, what are you going there for? Why do you pray? To whom do you pray? And what should result from your prayers and why?

Prayer is our entire relationship with GOD, the character of our prayer life is descriptive of our relationship with GOD!


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