Eternal Glory Is The Reward

Eternal Glory Is The Reward

Thursday, 14 January 2021

“I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us” – Romans 8:18 NIV

Some of us might not realize that suffering should be an expected part of the Christian life. We may think that the Christian life means the removal of all our problems, however, the opposite is true. As believers, we often face resistance in our Christian life daily and we are in no way immune to the daily realities of living in a fallen world. We still deal with sickness, the death of loved ones, children who go astray, business troubles, and more. It is therefore very important for Christians to have the right view on suffering, to have the right view about how we respond in our hearts to trials and tribulations. Our suffering is not in any way a device for our downfall but rather a way that GOD prepares us for the glory He has given us in Christ Jesus. 

The way we see suffering would change drastically if we understood the purpose behind the suffering. If we can perhaps look at this analogy; Imagine If you knew that something amazing was about to happen to you perhaps the following day or week. Let’s say you knew you were going to get a huge reward or money the following day/week. Do you think your outlook on things that you encounter today would be somewhat different? I would certainly love to believe so. Knowing there’s a great reward awaiting you would probably put you in a good frame of mind. Things wouldn’t bother you quite as much, people wouldn’t get under your skin so easily and you would probably start to live in the light of who you are going to be tomorrow. That’s the same thing that Apostle Paul is trying to highlight in the book of Romans 8:18, that GOD has a higher purpose for us in our suffering, we have a glory that awaits us in Christ after the suffering. Knowing this can help us live triumphantly despite this present groaning. It would help us endure the discomfort we face here on earth because the reward in heaven above is far greater.

Our suffering is not in any way a device for our downfall but rather a way that GOD prepares us for the glory He has given us in Christ Jesus


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