Friday, 30 April 2021
“Others, like seed sown on rocky places, hear the word and at once receive it with joy. But since they have no root, they last only a short time. When trouble or persecution comes because of the word, they quickly fall away” – Mark 4:16-17 NIV
Job was a righteous man who feared and worshiped GOD. His service and devotion to GOD were not determined by his wealth. Satan couldn’t understand this because he himself while in heaven couldn’t do the same. He came to GOD and accused Job that his faithfulness is caused by the blessings he has received. GOD knew it wasn’t true hence he allowed Satan to persecute Job. This persecution came to test the real motives of Job to prove where his loyalties were. So this still applies to us this very day. Satan is accusing us before GOD and his persecution comes to prove that we only serve and worship because of what we expect to receive. Our failure proves Satan’s theory, and our faithfulness proves that GOD is right about us.
The Parable of the Sower is painful because it puts into perspective the different kinds of Christians we have on earth. Most Christians don’t understand that this persecution comes as a result of the Word. The Word on its own will inevitably produce fruits and this is why the enemy can’t leave it alone. He knows that the longer the Word is incubated, the more fruits it will produce (John 15). This is why he chokes the Word out of the Christians who are not steadfast. How many times have you seen a Christian on fire for GOD (when they are believing in Him for something) and when things don’t turn around when they expect them to, their fire dissipates and they fall off. They fail the test and prove Satan’s case that their worship and devotion are conditional.
The three Hebrew boys (Daniel 3:16-27 especially vs 18) challenge me to this very day because their worship and submission to GOD were unconditional. They willingly walked into the furnace because of their unshakeable belief in their GOD. Would I have done the same thing if I was there? No one can really answer that except GOD. We only find out the answer to the above question when we go through persecution, and this is why GOD allows it to happen. David was aware of the fact that you can never really know who you are until persecution and trials come along.
” Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. Point out anything in me that offends You, and lead me along the path of everlasting life” (Psalm 139:23-24 NLT). This is why GOD allows persecution so that the things hidden in our hearts that don’t glorify Him can be exposed. It’s only through persecution that our hearts are laid bare and our motives made plain. It’s only the furnace of affliction that reveals the true motives of every Christian. It’s only the fire that refines and exposes any impurities that are hidden. So embrace persecution as a litmus test that reveals the truth.
You can never really know who you are until persecution and trials come along.
It’s only through persecution that our hearts are laid bare and our motives made plain.