Monday, 07 June 2021
“But I say to you who hear: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, and pray for those who spitefully use you” – Luke 6:27-28 NKJV
Love sees an opportunity instead of offense. If we always want to be on the receiving end of love, always accusing others of being loveless, we become part of the problem and perpetuate the vicious cycle of slander against the body of Christ. Every time you think someone doesn’t love you, ask yourself if you love them! Because if you love them you won’t keep records of their wrongs against you, as our reference scripture says, you will bless them when they curse you, you will pray for them when they hurt you. When you have received the greatest love of all, the love of God in Christ, you are free from complexity and burdened with duty, you don’t see problems, you see opportunities to work out your own salvation. GOD loved us so He gave, He then instructed that what we’ve freely received we should freely give. Recipients of the love of God are able to give it because they have it.
As the man of God said, ‘true love is demonstrable, not just talk as there’s a lot of insincerity in words’. So what are we doing for the brethren? What are we doing for fellow believers to demonstrate our love? People pass each other without greeting each other right in Church! Some say ‘I don’t know the person, we’ve never met’! When someone is in the house with you, let alone the house of God, are you really not going to say even a ‘hello’? Even in the house of God? It’s the little things! When you have breakfast before the start of the service and you see someone standing there on their phone, are you comfortable to eat and not find out if they’d also like to partake or you convince yourself they have a plan? This is how satan makes us aloof in the Church, we say we are minding our own business but the truth is we don’t want to be bothered, not especially with the inconvenience of finding out if someone is okay, because if they’re not okay you can’t just walk away! Let’s start in our local Churches and clean out these practices that have crept into the Church. It’s the little things! The disparity in the world of the 1% versus the 99% poor shouldn’t exist in the Church. If we have Church members who don’t know where their monthly groceries will come from, yet they are part of our fold and are in the same group in the Church with us, if we have enough to spare and to save and yet there are brethren who can’t meet monthly rentals, if we don’t see a brother for weeks and it turns out they didn’t have transport money yet we are here, then we have a long way to go. Forget saying one day you want to give away a house when you can’t start where you are with what you have. It’s the little things!
When you have received the greatest love of all, the love of God in Christ, you are free from complexity and burdened with duty, you don’t see problems, you see opportunities to work out your own salvation