Thursday, 26 August 2021
“Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins” -1 Peter 4:8
Every day we’re wronged or we wrong someone in some way. This is just one of the things that are inevitable because we are all human, with different personalities, upbringing, and backgrounds. As a result of all these differences, at some point, we are bound to disagree or butt heads. The issue as far as Christianity is concerned is not the disagreements or clash in opinions amongst the believers but rather how we respond to them. We cannot downplay the fact that at times, one of the most challenging experiences in life is forgiving others. Letting go of hurt caused by the wrongdoings of others isn’t always easy. But, no matter how much we can justify it, nothing good comes from harboring negative emotions towards others. In fact, an unforgiving heart opposes God’s will (Matthew 6:15).
Forgiveness is a love issue, we forgive because love requires us to. Jesus demonstrated through His death that love forgives. Jesus’ bearing of our iniquities was an undeniable act of love. It is because of love that we are able to overlook the sins that others commit against us (1 Peter 4:8). Unless you love a person, overlooking their transgressions is impossible. So forgiveness takes us back to the first and biggest law given by Christ, to love. When you truly love someone, you choose not to be offended by every little thing they do. Their ignorant remarks and minor annoyances can be easily overlooked because of the love you have for them. Acting in love means we put others before ourselves. Inability to forgive is an indication that you lack love. The word of God says; “Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love” 1 John 4:8. To love and forgive all require GOD, you need to have Him and to know Him in order to be able to do it all. Once love and forgiveness become an issue, that’s a call to return to your master to be made whole. You will know that you are truly walking with GOD and are pleasing to Him once love and forgiveness are no longer an issue to you. So, when you find it impossible to let go, place yourself in GOD’s hand and discover an inner strength to overcome the impossible. Choose love today over your own sense of fairness.
You will know that you are truly walking with GOD and are pleasing to Him once love and forgiveness are no longer an issue to you