Friday, 24 September 2021
“What are mere mortals that you should think about them, human beings that You should care for them?” – Psalm 8:4 NLT
Last Sunday I had an interesting observation about our relationship (Christians) with GOD. If you look at how vast the universe is and the fact that this huge ecosystem was spoken into existence. GOD then decided to create human beings, he didn’t have to but decided to do it. In actual fact, GOD doesn’t owe us anything because He made us for His own pleasure. Again He didn’t have to but He chose to. And this very GOD wants a relationship with us, it baffles me. To put it into perspective, it’s like me looking at an ant and wishing it could desire a relationship with me. Yet this very insignificant ant rejects my offer time and time again, yet I still pursue it every day. The same ant that I can crush with my pinky finger is rejecting me every day. This is how we treat GOD every day when we don’t make Him a priority.
“The eyes of the LORD search the whole earth in order to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to Him” (2 Chronicle 16:9a). To this very day, GOD is still looking for those that desire to truly walk with Him. Those that He found are the very same people we read about in the Bible. “A man after My own heart” (1 Samuel 13:17). Notice how GOD makes a distinction between David and Saul? He made it very clear that there are those who prioritize Him and those that don’t. “Then the LORD said, “Shall I hide from Abraham what I am about to do?” (Genesis 18:17). The Creator of Heaven and Earth was about to destroy a city yet He felt it necessary to first consult a mere mortal. This was only because of the relationship Abraham had with GOD, the intimacy that they shared. This is the type of relationship we are called to have, yet only a few will ever experience it because we aren’t willing to sacrifice everything for it.
‘He told them, “The secret of the kingdom of God has been given to you. But to those on the outside everything is said in parables”’ Mark 4: 11 NIV. We marvel and envy people who hear from GOD but we fail to realize that as believers we are privy to these secrets yet we take this privilege/honor for granted. We haven’t made our relationship with GOD a primary goal, and our seeking of Him is always when we need something from Him. We don’t seek Him for Him, we don’t seek to just know Him. If GOD came to us in a dream as He did with Solomon how many of us would honestly ask for a closer relationship with Him. We have moved Him from primary to duodenary. Abraham and David made GOD their primary and today they are the envy of every single Christian on Earth. We know what’s expected of us to reach this level of intimacy, but we are unwilling to because it will require us to die to self. Let us prioritize our First Love, our primary relationship.
We haven’t made our relationship with GOD a primary goal, and our seeking of Him is always when we need something from Him. We don’t seek Him for Him, we don’t seek to just know Him