Let’s Fall In Love

Let’s Fall In Love

Thursday, 23 September 2021

“But let him who glories glory in this, That he understands and knows Me, That I am the LORD, exercising lovingkindness, judgment, and righteousness in the earth. For in these I delight,” says the LORD.” – Jeremiah 9:24 NKJV

In a world marred with judgment, condemnation, and loathing, Christianity would be a lot simpler if it worked on a KPI’s (Key Performance Indicators) system. “Recruit 10 souls a year, pray twice a day, and go to church at least once a month, etc“ and you’ll just make it into Heaven. That way people could measure how well or how badly they are doing and maybe boast of their achievements.  But that wouldn’t bring true fulfillment into our lives and GOD knew this when He called us into a love relationship with Him. GOD is a loving Father, a faithful parent, and the greatest friend when we allow Him. He knows that a relationship with Him is where the secret to love, peace, joy, and fulfillment lie. It is the ultimate reward to our Faith walk and what sustains us when all is said and done. 

Many of the things we are doing in “HIS NAME” leave us angry bitter and empty when they don’t yield the desired results. We see this more so when we are faced with challenges and are feeling separated from GOD. “On that day many will say to me, ‘LORD, LORD, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’” Matthew 7:22. Those who ask this question are married to “works” and are empty of a relationship from which these “works” should be birthed.

Christianity is calling us to fall in love with Christ. To be in a loving relationship with the Trinity. But falling in love with Christ and walking with Him can be daunting in a generation that measures everything through a system of give and take. Where one’s loyalty and love are measured by what they can give or how they behave. So we put on facades and personas that make us acceptable to one another (and GOD). And yet the LORD is asking us to bare ourselves to Him. To be vulnerable and to surrender all of who we are to Him. The good and the bad so that He May perfect us. There is a lot of unlearning that needs to take place. A renewing of the mind and removal of a heart of stone to be replaced with one of flesh. This is a calling to enjoy the fulness of being true Kingdom heirs.

I believe wholeheartedly that it would be impossible for a born-again Christian to backslide from the faith when they have a deep and true relationship with GOD. When they have a revelation of who He is in their lives and real trust has been established. “But only one thing is necessary, for Mary has chosen the good part [that which is to her advantage], which will not be taken away from her.” Luke 10:42 AMP. When all is said and done, we must be able to stand and say “I love the LORD with all my heart and I know He loves me beyond my comprehension” This will forever be what matters and what stands when all has fallen apart. The only thing that simply cannot be taken away from us.

But falling in love with Christ and walking with Him can be daunting in a generation that measures everything through a system of give and take


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