A Desire. A Need. A Must.

A Desire. A Need. A Must.

Thursday, 07 October 2021

“Therefore, be on the alert [be prepared and ready], for you do not know the day nor the hour [when the Son of Man will come].” – Matthew 25:13 AMP

In the early hours of Sunday morning I had a dream where I was standing outside of church conversing with Christ. I remember Him saying He is returning soon and many are not prepared. He then proceeded to tell me what I needed to do to prepare for His coming. I was shattered when I opened my eyes and could not remember His instructions. How can such a divine moment of truth be stolen from me just like that? But because the LORD is love, He spoke again through the man of God. Through the teaching, Jesus repeated Himself. I felt Him equip, empower and pour Himself into every single person who was there to hear His Word preached.

Whether you believe it or not, the LORD is coming soon. We hear it said over and over again, and as children of God we see the signs all around us. We also see how the enemy is fighting us every step of the way, pulling us out of the race and setting traps for us to be found unworthy. Our flesh is being tempted like never before as we are continuously fighting against our sinful and destructive desires, fighting away the distractions that prevent us from growing in the LORD and walking in His ways. Evil spirits are fighting us fiercely from remaining ready for His return. “But the one who endures and bears up [under suffering] to the end will be saved.” Matthew 24:13 AMP.

To resist temptation is to suffer. To fight the flesh is suffering in itself as it goes against what we believe “comes naturally”. But as we live, we need to have a desire, see the need and we MUST fight to live righteously, to be sanctified in Him and clothed in Jesus Christ at all times (Romans 13:14). I often wonder what I will be doing when I hear that first trumpet blow and I see the LORD coming down on a cloud of fire. Will my heart be right? Will I be where I should be? Doing what I should be doing? I pray I will be found in a state of sanctification and holiness. Not knowing the day nor the hour is a true blessing for believers. It is a glorious challenge for us to walk faithfully in His ways. To keep our hearts and ways pure and at peace.

In his teaching, the man of God made an example about the wise and foolish virgins. They all started well but some did not take extra oil for their lamps thus when the bridegroom arrived, they were not there to enter the wedding feast. What a tragedy it would be to give your life to GOD, to walk faithfully in His ways, serving and honoring Him for years only to forfeit salvation because you chose to surrender to evil desires and to make them a lifestyle. “Beloved, I beg you as sojourners and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts which war against the soul” 1 Peter 2:11 NKJV. The war is for our souls. Just as satan wants us to go down into the lake of fire with him, Jesus is also fighting for us to reign in heaven with Him. Desire to be found in Him. Let it be a need that keeps you up at night, for we MUST be found ready.

Desire to be found in Him. Let it be a need that keeps you up at night, for we MUST be found ready.


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