Monday, 25 October 2021
“Your Word is a lamp to my feet And a light to my path.” – Psalms 119:105
“But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you.” – John 14:26
The Bible is a spiritual book, you can’t just read it and arrive (Acts 8:30-31, John 14:26), you can’t just read it once or twice (Joshua 1:8), yet it must be read, received in the spirit by the Spirit, discerned and most importantly, obeyed. The Bible is the book of life. An ailing Christian life can be attributed to a lack of the Word of God in the heart. One cannot live an effective Christian life while empty of the Word. A lot of Christians know this but don’t live it. They know that the Word of God is life but live a life apart from the Word (truly GOD uses foolish things to confound the wise). A lack of the Word is evidence of pride, pride of life, considering getting by the way our parents, other people and we have gotten by all along essential, failing to recognize that we have changed country and ought to adopt the ways of the new country. Reading and doing the Word takes humility, growing by the Word takes the Holy Spirit. “Knowledge of the Word of God does not translate into power and liberty, those things only the Holy Spirit can teach!” ~ Prophet Kya.
These days there’s a ‘how to’, ‘idiot’s guide’, and Google for everything, but we have the Holy Spirit, He far surpasses and outweighs all the knowledge in the world. Do not replace Holy Spirit with research through social media, ask Him everything first! He has been given to us to help us obey the Word. We cannot do the Word without the Holy Spirit. Knowledge of God without the Spirit puffs up and destroys, but the Word of God by the Spirit gives life. I always say “What’s the point of running around complaining about this and that, disgruntled with this and that among the saints in the Church, when there is so much Word to imbibe and grow by?”; where does one find the time to entangle themselves with human issues? Work on getting the rhythm of the Word through the Spirit right, focus on it, that alone will keep you from stumbling unnecessarily in the faith, and grow you as your heart desires!
Do not replace Holy Spirit with research through social media, ask Him everything first!