Thursday, 28 October 2021
“And those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. If we live by the Spirit, let us also keep in step with the Spirit.” – Galatians 5:24-25 ESV
The world teaches us to be passionate about our dreams. To be driven and unrelenting when it comes to the things that we want. I suppose all that is good and proper when we see people live their dream lives and receive awards and the recognition they needed for their achievements. This is their “well done” from the world but with GOD it works rather differently. When you give your life to Christ, you surrender and submit all your desires and passions to Him, and you wait for the leading and guiding of the Holy Spirit in all things. You wait for HIM to tell you where to go and what to do. So even when you get a word saying, for example, you have a calling into ministry, you still have to wait for GOD to say what next. But more often than not, people take such words and run with the assumption that they need to start working and walking in their callings and as Prophet Kya likes to say, “it is very possible for one to be greatly successful in the things GOD did not call him into”. As people, we tend to struggle with the concept of waiting upon the LORD. It could be that we think the waiting is passive and because we are so conscious of time, we feel pressured to do something but a period of waiting is calling us to seek GOD, to grow in intimacy with Him through His Word and prayer and even fasting. It is a precious season where we become more acquainted with the voice of the Holy Spirit and begin to not only Hear Him clearer but to also be led by Him through His Word.
A period of separation and sanctification is by far the greatest thing that can happen for a believer. It’s like being mentored one-on-one with one’s greatest hero. When that person comes out of that season, he/she is never the same. “We also speak of these things, not in words taught or supplied by human wisdom, but in those taught by the Spirit, combining and interpreting spiritual thoughts with spiritual words [for those being guided by the Holy Spirit]”, 1 Corinthians 2:13 AMP. This, then, means that even that one who has been called into ministry (which I believe all believers are called) is taught by the Holy Spirit and will not do or teach according to his own flesh and understanding. He will speak the mind of GOD because the Word of God is what he has been consuming, and through the Spirit of God he speaks.
I still remember the first time I was asked to minister at church. It was for a Sunday service and I was VERY new to the faith. At first, I thought it was a joke because there was no way GOD would ask me to preach anything to anyone. I did not know the Bible and I could not quote Scripture. I had not even grown up in the church or knew how ministry things work. I was horrified, to say the least. I remember spending every single day and night leading up to that Sunday, praying and begging the Holy Spirit to reveal Himself to me. To give me the words and to do all He wills through me because I have and I am nothing. I consumed the Word of God like food and prayed for revelation like one prays for treasure. When the day came for me to stand in front of everyone to teach, I cannot say that I had any warm feelings being at that pulpit. Between paralyzing fear and a build up to a mild stroke, I also felt a deep regard and respect for God’s people. I prayed that I would not lead any of them astray with my own words and that God’s will would be done. I still feel the same way standing at the pulpit to this day (couple that with shaking knees and a touch of chronic nausea).
“Teach me to do Your will, For You are my GOD; Your Spirit is good. Lead me in the land of uprightness.” Psalms 143:10 NKJV. We might not always like where the Holy Spirit will lead or take us at every given point especially when we are still holding on to our own desires and passions. But what I have learned in my short journey in ministry is that He absolutely gives us the strength, power, and grace to make it where He has placed us. I, personally, do not understand how I am still committed to the things of GOD and am still planted in His house (considering the streets were my vibe). One thing I know is that my greatest sense of joy and peace have come from me saying “Yes Lord” to the Holy Spirit as often as He leads. There is so much safety and security in Him.
One thing I know is that my greatest sense of joy and peace have come from me saying “Yes Lord” to the Holy Spirit as often as He leads