Thursday, 04 November 2021
“So that your ear is attentive to [skillful and godly] wisdom, And apply your heart to understanding [seeking it conscientiously and striving for it eagerly]; Yes, if you cry out for insight, And lift up your voice for understanding;” – Proverbs 2:2-3 AMP
I marvel at how sometimes as people we can be comfortable in our ignorance. We even have a saying to glorify this tragedy men bask in, “Ignorance is bliss” we say. Yet the LORD tells us that it is that very ignorance that is the cause of our downfall. “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.” Hosea 4:6. The Word of God pleads with us to seek knowledge conscientiously and strive for it eagerly (Proverbs 2:3). That is how powerful and vital understanding is in the things of GOD.
The Kingdom of God is filled with all sorts of secrets and mysteries. Each one of which is hidden in His Word. This is why the enemy comes for the Word in us because he knows that should we ever come to the full understanding of who we are and what we have, we will never experience another day of defeat. In fact, we will destroy his kingdom with the same ease Jesus did. Jesus only spoke a word and things moved and He promised us that “those who believe in Me will do what I do—yes, they will do even greater things.” John 14:12 GNT. The operative word is DO!!! Quoting Scripture means nothing when we do not do what the Scripture is saying. When we do not LIVE what the Word is telling us. The disciples were in the boat and they all saw Jesus but only Peter, through faith and understanding of Who was calling him, did what the Word (which is Jesus) said.
What would happen if we looked at what Jesus did and we committed ourselves to study the blueprint of His miracles and works. The same works the disciples did with so much power and understanding. The sons of Sceva tried to do with strange knowledge what Paul did with understanding and power. How can GOD give us His power when we still find comfort in ignorance and when we do not value Him and what He has so freely given us in His Word?
The miracles we are seeking, the power, the greatness, and breakthroughs are all dependent on our obedience and doing what GOD is telling us. Perhaps, the reason GOD is quiet on some of our prayers is that we have failed to do what He had instructed us previously. The Word of God produces 100% ALWAYS, but what and how much it produces in our lives is according to our obedience and responsiveness. “Launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch.” Luke 5:4 NKJV.
The Word of God produces 100% ALWAYS, but what and how much it produces in our lives is according to our obedience and responsiveness.