Friday, 05 November 2021
“Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path” – Psalm 119:105 NIV
“This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth,” – Joshua 1:8a NKJV
It’s so amazing that GOD has given us the necessary arsenal to combat every single possible obstacle in our journey. What is also interesting is that the very same arsenal at our disposal is thee most unused. The above Scripture (Psalm 119:105) is twofold and it describes the two stages of our interaction with the Word. It describes the Word as a lamp and the Word as a light.
The Word is a lamp for my feet, meaning the Word determines where and how I stand. The Word tells me who I am, and without the Word, I have no identity and no purpose. I am the righteousness of GOD, this confidence comes from my understanding of what GOD says about me, who GOD says I am. When I truly understand this the devil can’t discourage me and condemnation can’t derail me. When his attacks come, the Word instructs me to take every thought captive and make it obedient to Christ (2 Corinthians 10:5). I can only do this if I know where I stand and who I am, and only the Word gives me that revelation. This is why Christians who are devoid of the Word, or those that know it but have no personal revelation of it, always fall apart when tribulations come. Galatians 5:1 highlights the importance of standing firm in the knowledge of what the Word has done in your life, it’s this revelation/knowledge that prevents us from remaining as slaves.
The second part of the above Scripture highlights how the Word is a light to my path. This is also twofold in that the Word shows me the path I need to take, and also shows that I need to always be mobile as well. I’m not saved or transformed to remain still, but to always move in the Spirit [“My father is always at work” (John 5:17)]. The Word guides my every move in the spirit and leads me to do God’s work. Without the Word I would run around like a headless chicken, not knowing what season I am in. It shows me where I need to step so that I don’t stumble and fall.
Notice how in Joshua it says the Word must not depart from my mouth? This means I’m always meant to be speaking the Word and not just meditate on it. Most of us have the Word in our hearts but rarely speak it into being. “And the very words I have spoken to you are spirit and life.” John 6:63b NLT. Jesus demonstrated that the Word when spoken gives life and rejuvenates the spirit. James 1:19 instructs us to be slow to speak because when we are angry we might speak words that don’t give life. With the same words we can give life, but also we can curse and cause destruction. We are all here because GOD spoke us into existence. The Word has many functions in a believer. It defines us (Psalm 119:105a), leads and guides us (Psalm 119:105b) and it makes us fruitful (Joshua 1:8). The Christian walk without the Word is like going into a gunfight with blanks and expecting to come out victorious.
The Word has many functions in a believer. It defines us, leads and guides us and it makes us fruitful