The Week That Was

The Week That Was

Monday, 08 November 2021

What a time we had in the presence of the LORD last week, this is how life should be, abiding and remaining in Him. Imagine if there was no curfew how it would have been, we would have gone on and on for sure. I believe, however, the lifestyle we became accustomed to last week is the lifestyle we ought to maintain. We must maintain that atmosphere and let it spill over into every aspect of our lives. I bet a lot of things were put on hold last week just to be in the house of GOD and in fellowship with the saints. Some people were fasting, praying fervently, and stepping out of their comfort zones. The oneness, working together, helping each other, no fear of a certain “pandemic”, just the presence, the power, and the glory. It felt a lot like spending time with family when everyone is at home, and it was spending time with family, our spiritual family, which is our true family, our eternal family.

I thank GOD for the messages we received from God’s servants. Pastor KB’s call to true salvation, holiness, and power, reminding us of who we truly are in Christ. Pastor Andy’s process of refinement that precedes greatness, Pastor Nhlanhla’s reminder that the aim is not to be mere Church members but to grow into the glorious Church of Jesus Christ, and Pastor Shadrach’s prophecy for our Church which confirms what GOD has been saying to us and alerted to the special harvest of souls headed our way. It would be remiss of us to simply move on without pondering over the Lord’s efforts to revive and refocus us. We have moved in the Spirit, and the new place we occupy has its own rules and processes, its own blessings and rewards which are ours for the taking if we only commit ourselves and work together with the LORD. The LORD is indeed doing a new thing, we cannot fail, we cannot be stopped. We are the Church of Jesus Christ, we are KOSM, the home of the Holy Spirit.

But He answered and said, “It is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.’ ” – Matthew 4:4 NKJV

We have moved in the Spirit, and the new place we occupy has its own rules and processes, its own blessings and rewards which are ours for the taking if we only commit ourselves and work together with the LORD


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