In Spirit And In Truth

In Spirit And In Truth

Thursday, 10 March 2022

“Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall. It is better to be humble in spirit with the lowly than to divide the spoil with the proud (haughty, arrogant).” – Proverbs 16:18-19 AMP

“But the humble will [at last] inherit the land And will delight themselves in abundant prosperity and peace.” – Psalms 37:11 AMP

We live in times where we have quite a large amount of control over how we sell ourselves and the narrative we want people to buy into where our image is concerned. We can use our social media platforms as marketing tools to tailor-make ourselves and our brand to suit how we would like to be viewed. So it’s quite easy to create a “humble” character or persona that is seemingly all the qualities that GOD is looking for. Even to a point where people can say “he/ she is or was known for their humility” *side-eye* but GOD cannot be mocked. We cannot fool Him, nor can our marketing gimmicks move Him and this is what we seem to forget as we continue to walk in our made-up world of false humility. We then wonder why our prayers are slow to be answered and it still feels as though GOD is not hearing us.

Being genuinely humble in both spirit and action is ultimately the sweet-smelling aroma that moves GOD to pay attention to us. A person who is genuinely humble and lowly in spirit will always look like the fool to the arrogant. The Word of God is clear that it is that very person who will inherit the land and delight in prosperity. When Jesus walked the earth, He was accused of all sorts of things because people could not quite box Him in. The times not being too different from now, the Pharisees wanted Him to conform and be like them, hypocritical and pompous, especially as a Rabbi. However, He chose to be a servant to the needy while still possessing and expressing superior knowledge and understanding about Kingdom matters. The miracles and the healings that He performed came from a gentle place of not only humility but also of love and kindness for God’s people. Most of us if we were in possession of such powers we would never allow our feet to touch the ground again. We would make sure our names are shouted from the highest rooftops and branded on the robes of our followers and the disciples we would probably be leading. Maybe that is why we are not being used as mightily as the disciples of old were. They had the Kingdom of God and their purpose in mind and not fame and riches like most men and women of God today. Hence they could endure the kinds of persecutions and humiliations that they did right to their deaths.

Our hearts carry the truth of who we really are. As much as humility is also in action, it also has to be our identity in the spirit. “But all things become visible when they are exposed by the light [of God’s precepts], for it is light that makes everything visible.” Ephesians 5:13 AMP. False humility can only go on for so long until the person is exposed for who they really are. It is when we walk with and worship GOD in spirit and in truth that we are empowered and we operate in the gifts which He so freely gives. When there is no need to build ourselves as everything we are not just so people can say sweet things and reverence us. GOD cannot be mocked.

It is when we walk with and worship GOD in spirit and in truth that we are empowered and we operate in the gifts which He so freely gives. 


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