Thursday, 31 March 2022
“Do not let your heart be troubled (afraid, cowardly). Believe [confidently] in GOD and trust in Him, [have faith, hold on to it, rely on it, keep going and] believe also in Me.” – John 14:1 AMP
I have often experienced moments where for a few minutes or so, I am so clear in the spirit that I know that I know that I know what GOD is saying to me. Where I see things in a way I have never seen them before and the magnitude of who GOD is and who I am in Him blows me away. It’s in these moments where no one can tell me anything because my faith is on level 1 million and nothing that happens can shake me or make me doubt. I believe many of us go through these sacred moments of greatness where even the sweet aroma of Heaven is upon us and we are in full alignment with the Spirit of God. Then that dreaded factor called time happens and as time is moving and things are getting worse and the fire is raging around us we slowly forget about that sweet moment when we knew the truth with absolute clarity.
Not to speak of that season where all of hell descends on you like a flood and amnesia sets in full force. It’s in these seasons and moments that even the so called “agents/warriors of faith” begin to shake, where uncertainty and all manner of questions begin to plague a person but in those feelings and moments, DO NOT DOUBT GOD!!! When you begin to question GOD and His abilities, you make Him a liar and this is the very ammunition that the enemy needs to beat you down with. He turns this into depression, anxiety, fear, and a tool to drive you to a point of extreme hopelessness. Nothing good has ever come from this place because the Word of God is clear that ONLY faith moves the hand of God.
I have always admired Peter for stepping out onto the water to walk toward Jesus. He had enough faith and courage to take that step while everyone else sat back and watched. How that moment ended is a testament that once we have had enough courage to step out of the boat and walk on water, we must keep our eyes firmly on Jesus and not doubt who He is. “Be still and know (recognize, understand) that I am GOD. I will be exalted among the nations! I will be exalted in the earth.” Psalms 46:10 AMP. The storms will come, they must, and they must also rage around us because we are existing in a battlefield where darkness is attracted to light, and the true word of God is challenged constantly. That very Word should be the fuel that keeps our fire burning and our faith growing in times of trials.
GOD is not an intern in this business. He is the King of kings and the Lord of lords. So with all sincerity and respect, can we ever have a good enough reason to doubt Him? If so we are doubting Him against the same demons He defeated before the foundation of the earth and that idea in itself is laughable. So in our seasons of questioning, may we remember that moment of pure clarity and what the LORD said and hold on to it with all that is within us. For “Blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD, And whose hope is the LORD.” Jeremiah 17:7 NKJV.
That very Word should be the fuel that keeps our fire burning and our faith growing in times of trials.