Sunday Message Summary, 17 April 2022
Gethsemane stands for great suffering, sorrow, testing, death, and crucifixion (Mark 14:32-36). The will of man has to be crucified because the will of GOD cannot be placed alongside man’s will. Our will has to die at all costs, being fully submitted to the Father, and the will of GOD has to be established. The will of the Father is the only will that stands. Jesus, for example, was dead before the physical death on the Cross, because His self-will was slain before the foundation of the Earth. Jesus pleased the Father, being absolutely obedient and submissive to Him (Matthew 3:16-17), because His self-will had died. For Jesus what came first and foremost was always what the Father wanted, not what He wanted (John 4:34; John 6:38). If it was so with Jesus, how much more so us? We also ought to perpetuate what Jesus began. Jesus won God’s approval before He could do anything. It is first God’s approval before rendering service that matters, and the only thing that pleases GOD is what is in our hearts.
In the Kingdom of the Father only the will of the Father stands. Nothing that we attain in this life and this world will stand the test of time. It is not about what we want but what GOD wants, so we must establish the will of the Father here on Earth. Even the church is not about what we want, but what GOD wants. We can be of no service to GOD as long as our self-will is in place because the flesh will always want what the flesh wants. The Spirit of the LORD is only able to lead the new nature that resurrected with Jesus, therefore the flesh has to die so that the spirit man can be raised up in power. Our entire lives must be a sacrifice, holy and set apart, wholly dedicated to GOD (Romans 12:1). We must sacrifice the things we want, our time, our efforts, and energy to GOD. We must not go by what the world expects of us, because there is nothing that is in conformity to the will of GOD in the world (Romans 12:2). A Christian life is a life of sacrifice.
We must sacrifice the things we want, our time, our efforts, and energy to GOD.