You Are More Than This

You Are More Than This

Thursday, 28 July 2022

“Do not conform yourselves to the standards of this world, but let GOD transform you inwardly by a complete change of your mind. Then you will be able to know the will of GOD—what is good and is pleasing to Him and is perfect.” – Romans‬ ‭12:2‬ ‭GNT‬‬

The Bible is full of men and women that GOD used mightily for His glory. Amongst them, the one that has always fascinated me was Moses. GOD chose to use Moses to free the children of Israel from slavery in Egypt, and as such, He gave him powers and abilities to carry out this mandate. He also showed him wonders beyond anything we can imagine, YET, Moses was constantly asking for more. He knew how great GOD is and how much more He had to show and do through him, and so he would not settle for the last miracle. He looked for greater from a great GOD. “And he said, “Please, show me Your glory.” Exodus‬ ‭33:18‬ ‭NKJV‬‬.

One thing about being born-again is that change truly does take place in us and we are no longer the same. There is a certain discomfort that we feel inside when we finally realize that we have been settling for mediocrity, and our spirit begins to tell us that there is more to us and this life than how we currently are. The remedy to this discomfort is a complete transformation of the mind, and an opening of spiritual eyes, so we can see ourselves for who we really are, and to walk in the power that has been given to us. Children of GOD fear and marvel at the false power that is displayed in the occult because they themselves have not come into the full awareness of what is in them. If we fully believed that the same power that raised Jesus Christ is within us, then we would not cower at challenges that are caused by forces, not of this world. We would rise up and begin to command and subdue what is not of GOD in our lives. The Bible tells us that we have been made in the image and likeness of GOD, so why then are we being defeated by the fallen ones? By virtue of their title, we should already know that they are under our feet and have no power to destroy us unless we allow them.

“Now Jesus called together the twelve [disciples] and gave them [the right to exercise] power and authority over all the demons and to heal diseases.”Luke‬ ‭9:1‬ ‭AMP‬‬. As believers, we will not find inner peace for as long as we are living below the power given to us. We will be tormented by more than just demons, but by the very unused power and authority, fighting to be put to its full use. The beast fighting to be unleashed is not a demon, but the mighty living power of GOD that desires to find expression through us. It’s the power we were given when we received Christ into our hearts. That power has a purpose beyond just praying in tongues and seeing visions in church. It is there to conquer mightily in this world.

As believers, we will not find inner peace for as long as we are living below the power given to us


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