Sunday Message Summary, 21 August 2022
GOD took all our sins, i.e., past, present, and future, and placed them on His Son (2 Corinthians 5:21). It is the Father that placed the sins of mankind on Jesus Christ because Jesus is the satisfactory payment for our sins, in order to fulfill all requirements of righteousness for us (1 John 2:2). Jesus took on Himself the punishment that we fully deserve (Isaiah 53:4-5), and He exchanged His holiness, righteousness, and sanctification for our sins. Everything Jesus did was not for Himself, but for us, because it pleased the Father (1 Peter 2:24).
GOD placed on Jesus the punishment we deserve, and in this way, Jesus destroyed sin and its power over all flesh (Romans 8:3-4). It is through the death of Jesus that GOD destroyed sin, so the end became the means for our freedom. Furthermore, GOD destroyed the nature of sin. We therefore don’t bear the nature of sin after we are born again, because the nature that is inclined towards sin has been expertly excised from us (Colossians 2:11). Our old nature was crucified with Christ, and now we have the nature of GOD in us, in the physical body which we live in (Galatians 2:20).
The law has been fulfilled for us by Christ Jesus, but not only did Jesus fulfill the law, He also set it aside (Romans 8:3-4). The law has been taken out of the way (Colossians 2:14), so Satan has no claim over us. Jesus came to fulfill the strictest code of the law because the penalty that we incurred for our transgressions had to be paid for (Matthew 5:17-18). Satan is therefore powerless over a believer. That which Christ did for us has completely cut off all the tentacles of the devil. Furthermore, Jesus has forgiven all our trespasses, which leaves the devil with nothing (Colossians 2:13-15). Jesus, having fulfilled the law and set it aside for us, destroyed Satan, his hold on us, and his claim against us on account of sin. Sin is absolutely powerless over a child of GOD and what feeds Satan now is people’s ignorance.
What the devil had in a child of GOD was the sinful nature. The sinful nature was removed, and the LORD gave us a new nature of the Spirit, which is anti-devil and anti-sin. Satan does not have anything in us (John 14:30), so he cannot have anything on us. Therefore, if we credit our misfortune to Satan as believers in Christ, we need to introspect. If GOD is for us, what is the devil, and what are demons (Romans 8:31)? GOD has declared us blameless, so the devil cannot accuse us (Romans 8:33-34). Christ has fulfilled the law for us, we are no longer sinners, and we cannot be sinners.
Christ has fulfilled the law for us, we are no longer sinners, and we cannot be sinners.