Sunday Message Summary, 28 August 2022
The LORD has freed us from Satan’s power, and He forgave us all our sins. Those who are in Christ are therefore blameless, guiltless, and free from condemnation (Romans 8:1-2). In the sight of GOD, we are holy, blameless, and above reproach. This means we are perfect in the sight of GOD, being the righteousness of GOD in Christ Jesus (Colossians 1:21-22). Right now, as we stand before GOD, we are without blame or fault. There is therefore now no condemnation for us. Importantly though, those who are in Christ are no longer controlled by the flesh nor the sinful nature (Romans 8:3-4). Those who live in the flesh always pursue things of this life (Romans 8:5), i.e., worldliness and the things of this world, however our focus must be placed on the things that are above. We make ourselves enemies of the Father when we do not set our minds on things that are pleasing to Him, but those that please the Father live their lives according to the Holy Spirit. What we set our minds on is the reality that will manifest to us, which is either life or death (Romans 8:6).
The carnal mind is enmity and hostility towards GOD. This is the mind that is set on things of self and the flesh, not the things of GOD. This mind will always do what is contrary to the Word of God (Romans 8:7). This is the mindset of the devil, that cannot be subject to GOD or the things of GOD. This mind is insubordinate, rebellious, stubborn, and disobedient, always serving the self. The problem of the carnal mind is submission. When this mind obeys, it obeys according to its own terms. On the contrary, every true child of GOD is submissive. Those who are in Christ have the Spirit of GOD living in them, and the Spirit of GOD is not rebellious. All authority, even the secular, comes from GOD (Romans 13:1-2). Resisting authority is therefore resisting GOD Himself, and true submission begins in the house of GOD. There is order in the Kingdom of GOD, so we do not do as we please. There is authority in the house of GOD, which is why there are authority figures, and responsible leadership punishes wrong and praises good.
We know whether or not we have the Spirit of Christ by our character. An insubordinate person has no character, and GOD does not use people without character, but He uses obedient people. For those who are in Christ, the Holy Spirit who lives in us leads us in righteousness. Furthermore, the Holy Spirit fills our bodies with power, strengthening us from the inside – spirit, soul, and body (Romans 8:10-11). We therefore owe the flesh nothing. The flesh has no more control over our lives, but we are controlled by the Holy Spirit who lives in us. Those who are in Christ are under no obligation to follow the urges and cravings of the flesh, but if we still choose the flesh, we will regret and regret terribly (Romans 8:12-13).
Those who are in Christ have the Spirit of GOD living in them, and the Spirit of GOD is not rebellious.