Sunday Message Summary, 4 September 2022
The Kingdom of GOD does not accommodate laziness nor uselessness. In fact, GOD removes from the Kingdom any believer who does not bear fruit (John 15:1-2). It is GOD who does the removal unilaterally and arbitrarily, not a pastor, nor any leader or committee. A believer who does not bear fruit in the Kingdom of GOD is therefore dead, fruitless, and useless. Fruitfulness, growth, and productiveness in the Kingdom of GOD come through the Word of GOD (John 15:2-3), and this Word operates in the heart. What determines the condition of our hearts is the relationship between our hearts and the Word of GOD (Matthew 12:35). To the pure, all things are pure in the heart (Titus 1:15), so the Word of GOD operates in a clean and pure heart with pure motives.
Being in GOD and remaining in Him is an issue of the heart. The one who does not abide does not have a steadfast spirit (Psalm 51:10), and they are not consistent. A steadfast heart can be relied upon, and will always be where they have to be, always doing what they must do. A steadfast person is loyal and can be depended upon and trusted. It is therefore a spirit within the person. Joy, for example, is part and parcel of the Kingdom of GOD, however whether we are joyful or grumpy is an issue of the heart (Psalm 51:12). This is why we must be careful of what we choose to dwell on. It is for this reason that a living, Spirit-filled believer knows to disregard the wrongs and mistakes of others.
For a believer, to abide in Christ is a command (John 15:4). Furthermore, it is only abiding in Christ that results in blessings, fruitfulness, and worship (John 15:7-8). To abide means to be in agreement with GOD about absolutely everything (Amos 3:3). GOD does everything in agreement with His will (Ephesians 1:11), so we must be in agreement with Him. The Kingdom of GOD is thus not necessarily about our relationship with GOD and what we want, it is about His relationship with us and what He wants. Additionally, to abide means to follow God’s plan and purpose for our lives. We are not in the Kingdom for our own purpose but for God’s purpose, and when we follow God’s purpose, then He will cause things to work for us for our own good (Romans 8:28).
How then do we abide? Firstly, we must be obedient to GOD, believing and doing what the Word of GOD says (Luke 6:46-49). The one who abides in Christ is the one who builds their life on the Word of GOD, not on blessings. This is the one who is faithful and consistent in the Word of GOD, and cannot be moved nor shaken, whatever happens. Secondly, we abide in Christ by being planted in the house of GOD. To be planted however is not to plant ourselves (Psalm 92:12-13). Those who are planted are instructed and they do not instruct. It is GOD who gives us pastors, so we cannot choose our own church (Jeremiah 3:15). GOD established His church, placed pastors, and put His Word on their lips (Acts 20:28). If GOD has placed you in a church under a pastor, there is therefore ordained on their lips a Word of GOD for you.
The Kingdom of GOD is not necessarily about our relationship with GOD and what we want, it is about His relationship with us and what He wants.