The Word & The Spirit

The Word & The Spirit

Sunday Message Summary, 25 September 2022

When the Holy Spirit is leading us, we will grow, mature and change. This is because we did not receive the spirit of slavery or bondage, but we received the Spirit of emancipation, liberty, and freedom (Romans 8:12-15). The One who leads us is the One who delivers us, so when we look at our spiritual lives and there is no progress, we cannot assert that we are led by the Holy Spirit. If we say that the Holy Spirit is leading us, but there is no change, there is discord in what we are saying. The Holy Spirit leads us into victory, freedom, growth, and maturity. He leads us into liberty.

Whatever predicament we may find ourselves in, when we are led by the Spirit, we are guided in truth (John 16:13). So, when we make mistakes and fail, it is because we have not allowed Him to lead us in that area.  Holy Spirit leads us by the truth, which is the Word of GOD. Therefore, if we disregard the Word, we cannot be led by the Holy Spirit. If we do not live by the Word of GOD, the results will not be what GOD wants for us, because the Holy Spirit is not able to lead one who disregards the Word. The Word of GOD is thus paramount for a Christian, and without the Word, we go astray and fail. Encapsulated in the Word is the truth that makes us free, and free indeed (John 8:32). We simply cannot neglect the Word of GOD.

Holy Spirit is an instructor of believers, teaching us all things through the Word (John 14:26). So, if we don’t go into the Word, Holy Spirit cannot teach us. Not only does He teach us the Word, but Holy Spirit also helps us to remember the Word. Furthermore, the Holy Spirit causes us to obey the Word (1 Peter 1:22). There is no single person who can obey the Word without the Spirit because He simplifies the truth for our understanding.

All Scripture is God-breathed (2 Timothy 3:16). We therefore require inspiration and revelation from the Holy Spirit when we study or listen to the Word of GOD. The Word of GOD is a sword in the hand of GOD, so the Holy Spirit does nothing without the Word, and the Word of GOD only operates through the Spirit (Ephesians 6:17). This means that if we read the Bible without the Holy Spirit, we only get a historical account of events, which does not give life. Our duty then is to commit ourselves to the Word as taught by the Holy Spirit.

Encapsulated in the Word is the truth that makes us free, and free indeed.

Eli or Hannah?


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