Friday, 30 September 2022
“My son, forget not my law; but let thine heart keep my commandments. For length of days, and long life, and peace, shall they add to thee. Let not mercy and truth forsake thee: bind them about thy neck, write them upon the table of thine heart. So shalt thou find favor and good understanding in the sight of GOD and man” – Proverbs 3:1-4 KJV
Medical doctors have to read a lot of books to equip themselves and to best serve their patients. As a medical student, you have to have a good understanding of: Embryology, Anatomy, Physiology, Pathology, Pharmacology, Hematology, Surgery, Paediatrics, Family Medicine, Obstetrics, Gynaecology, Internal Medicine, Urology, ENT, and Geriatrics (the list is endless). Most doctors will practice medicine, on average, for about thirty years. So this means they need to read all these books, many times in their careers to always keep abreast of any new discoveries and practices. They read all of these just to be relevant in their field for only 30 years. GOD has given us the Bible so that we may be relevant for all of eternity, yet most of us take His Word for granted. If we truly understood the importance of His Word, we would consume it like our lives depended on it.
“My son, if you accept my words and store up my commands within you. Turning your ear to wisdom and applying your heart to understanding. Indeed, if you call out for insight and cry aloud for understanding, and if you look for it as for silver and search for it as for hidden treasure” Proverbs 2:1-4 NIV. When a person is seeking for a hidden treasure, he immerses himself in its pursuit. His friends may mock and ridicule him, but his determination is unwavering. This is because he knows how much this treasure is really worth. He has spent day and night thinking and planning his next move. The Word of GOD is a treasure that only a few are pursuing with dedication and perseverance, (while others are polite guests who don’t overstay their welcome), for they know that everything GOD has in store for them is hidden in it. Your hunger for the Word of GOD reveals what your treasure is. When Joshua took over the leadership of the nation of Israel, the only instruction GOD gave to him, was for him to focus only on the Word, as his prosperity was hidden in it.
In John 1:1-4, we can see that the Word was with GOD from the very beginning; everything was created by and through the Word- EVERYTHING! “In Him was the life, and that life was the light of all mankind” (verse 4). The Word is life, and everything that concerns us is controlled and sustained by the very Word we take for granted. When the Holy Spirit is at work, He doesn’t reinvent the wheel, but uses the Word to accomplish His tasks. When He speaks, guides, and instructs us, He does so ONLY through the Word. Hoping to interact with Holy Spirit without the Word, is like a Mandarin- speaking person conversating with a Swahili-speaking person, and hoping they’ll understand each other- a futile exercise.
“When you walk, their counsel will lead you. When you sleep, they will protect you. When you wake up, they will advise you” (Proverbs 6:22 NLT). When the Word is consumed, it will attend to every aspect of your life, including your protection and guidance. When it consumes you, every word out of your mouth will give life. This is because our words are a true reflection of what’s in our heart (Luke 6:45). So you can’t be full of the Word and still engage in gossip. You can’t be engaged and consumed by the Word, yet remain untransformed. The Spirit gives life through the Word. Fruitfulness is directly proportional to the concentration of the Word in you. The only challenge is, it’s richness isn’t on the surface of the Word, but is hidden deep in it, and those that persistently search for it will, through the help of the life-giving Spirit, reap it’s fruits.
When the Holy Spirit is at work, He doesn’t reinvent the wheel, but uses the Word to accomplish His tasks